5 signs your body is ravaged by iron deficiency and 3 tips to fix it

By | September 27, 2024

Does your hair look like it’s lost its shine? Are you feeling exhausted and frustrated because you can’t quite shift that persistent brain fog?

The change in seasons has probably made you feel a little out of sorts. energy or you might be passing through the dreaded ‘autumn hut’.


Iron deficiency can show up in your hair, nails, and energy levels

But a combination of mild symptoms could mean you’re low in iron, an important nutrient.

Iron is necessary for the healthy functioning of your body.

It plays a role in the process of transporting oxygen throughout the body and may be important in keeping your hair, skin, and nails healthy.

Recent US-based research shows that nearly one in three Americans has undiagnosed iron deficiency.

Having low iron levels can lead to anemia due to low levels of healthy red blood cells needed to carry oxygen throughout your body.

Iron deficiency anemia can be common during pregnancy; Another recent study reveals that four in five pregnant women in Ireland are iron deficient in their third trimester.

Cara Shaw, nutritionist for liquid iron supplement brand BlueIron, explained why iron is so important for the normal functioning of our body and the symptoms that may indicate iron deficiency.

“Iron is vital for the production of haemoglobin, a protein that helps transport oxygen around the body, and is also a vital component of energy production,” he told The Sun.

“Without enough iron, your body cannot provide enough oxygen to cells and cannot produce enough energy.”

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The nutritionist said this can lead to symptoms such as:

  1. Fatigue and weakness
  2. pale skin
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. brittle nails
  5. hair loss

If you have iron deficiency, your nails can break or split easily, Patient.info said.

Their shape can also become concave, spoon-shaped, or developing ridges.

Curls may lose their shine before hair loss occurs.

It revealed a few more telltale signs of the condition; Some of these were a bit surprising:

  • Fatigue
  • I’m having trouble concentrating
  • memory problems
  • Decreased ability to exercise
  • Cuts and scrapes take a long time to heal
  • a sore tongue
  • Sores in the corners of your mouth
  • Restless leg syndrome – an intense urge to move or wiggle your legs, especially at night
  • pica syndrome – craving or eating non-food items such as clay, chalk or coal

It is recommended that you consult a GP if you think you have iron deficiency as your doctor may perform a blood count test to see if the number of red blood cells in your blood is normal.

Patient.info recommends making an appointment if you’ve been experiencing one or more of the symptoms listed above for more than a few weeks.

The NHS says there can be a variety of causes for your iron deficiency, from taking medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin to stomach ulcers, inflammation in your intestines and haemorrhoids.

Heavy periods and pregnancy are very common causes of this condition.

In very rare cases, iron deficiency anemia can be a symptom of bowel or stomach cancer.

Once the cause of your iron deficiency is determined, there are various ways to combat it.

1. Eat more green leafy vegetables and meat

A good way to increase your iron levels is to consume more iron-rich foods.

These include:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as watercress and kale
  • Cereals and bread with extra iron (fortified)
  • Meat
  • Dried fruits such as apricots, prunes and raisins
  • Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils

The NHS states that your doctor can refer you to a specialist dietitian if you are struggling to include iron in your diet.

You can also help your body absorb additional iron from your diet by eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemons, limes, tomatoes and red peppers, according to Patient.info.

2. Drink less tea and coffee

Some foods and drinks can also make it harder for your body to absorb iron, so it may be a good idea to reduce them.

These include:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Foods containing high levels of phytic acid, such as whole grain cereals, which can stop your body from absorbing iron from other foods and tablets

3. Try iron supplements

You can also try supplementing your iron through supplements.

Cara told The Sun: “If someone suffers from iron deficiency anaemia, supplementation is a convenient and effective way to raise levels quickly.

“BlueIron is particularly useful in raising levels as it is in liquid form and therefore is absorbed more quickly by the body as it does not need to break down a solid form such as a tablet or capsule.

“The unique formulation ensures it reaches the intestines for effective absorption—especially beneficial if you have digestive conditions that affect the absorption of nutrients.

“It provides the full recommended daily reference intake of iron in a small dose of just 10ml, plus it is formulated to be very gentle on the intestines.”

You can also buy your iron in tablet form.

Some people may experience side effects while taking iron, such as feeling sick, stomach upset, constipation, or diarrhea.

If side effects are a problem, you should tell the doctor.

Risks of iron deficiency anemia

If left untreated, iron deficiency anemia can:

  • It can put you at greater risk of disease and infection – iron deficiency affects the immune system
  • It may increase your risk of developing complications that affect the heart or lungs, such as abnormally fast heartbeat or heart failure
  • It may cause a greater risk of complications before and after birth if you are pregnant

Source: NHS

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