The Fastest Warplane in History: NASA X-43

By | March 9, 2024

As for the question fastest fighter planeYou may choose to compare only fighter jets still in service, or you may consider the last jet fighters to grace the skies; we preferred the second one.

When it comes to aviation technology, fighter jets have long been at the forefront, pushing the limits of altitude and performance. Unlike commercial aircraft, they attach importance to speed and maneuverability; Many also have stealth capabilities, the ability to fire air-to-air missiles, and other unique features.

Considering how advanced these military aircraft must be (a pilot’s life often depends on it), each one is a tremendous feat of engineering, paving the way for future fighter jets to be faster, more powerful and better equipped. To celebrate this innovative spirit, we have compiled seven of the fastest jets in all of aviation history.

1. NASA X-43

The X-43, an experimental aircraft, reached a top speed of Mach 9.6, making it not only the fastest fighter aircraft, but also the fastest aircraft ever built.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) developed the X-43 to explore hypersonic flight as part of the $230 million Hyper-X program. In doing so, the US institution broke speed records and pushed the boundaries of aerospace engineering.

technical difficulties

Due to the X-43’s design, NASA had to release it from a B-52 before it could fly. However, after taking off, the flights were short-lived.

NASA destroyed the first jet when it malfunctioned during a test in 2001. In 2004, the remaining two jets flew for just 10 seconds each during test flights (reaching Mach 6.8 and then Mach 9.6, respectively), then crashed into the ocean after 10 minutes of gliding.

Technically Disqualified?

Some argue that the X-43 does not count as a fighter plane, given that it was an experimental, unmanned aircraft focused on speed rather than dogfighting.

However, given the federal support of the project and the military implications of what it accomplished, others consider this supersonic aircraft to be the fastest fighter jet of all time.

2. North American X-15

The X-15, a joint project between NASA and the United States Air Force (USAF), was another groundbreaking aircraft in the quest for speed and was the predecessor of the X-43. The rocket-powered jet, which can reach speeds in excess of Mach 6, was under development in the 1950s and 60s.

Fastest Flight in a Manned Aircraft

Like the X-43, the X-15 had to travel skyward with the B-52, but unlike the X-43, it was a manned aircraft. In 1967, pilot Pete Knight made history by flying the X-15 at Mach 6.72, or 6.72 times the speed of sound, the fastest flight ever recorded in a manned aircraft.

A Dignified Retirement

The high-speed aircraft flew 199 test flights before NASA and the USAF retired the X-15 in 1968. A famous USAF photo from the 1960s shows an X-15 flying over Edwards Air Force Base during a supersonic flight.

3. Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

No discussion of fast fighter jets would be complete without mentioning the legendary SR-71 Blackbird.

Developed during the Cold War, this reconnaissance aircraft had a top speed of Mach 3.30 at more than 16 miles (85,000 feet or 25,908 meters) above the ground. Because of the danger of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, Blackbird’s crew wore pressure suits similar to astronaut suits.

The US military needed a fighter jet that could outpace interceptors and other surface-to-air missile systems, and the USAF found the speed it was looking for in the Blackbird.

The plane’s sleek, all-black profile and unparalleled speed capabilities earned it a reputation as the pinnacle of aviation technology and a symbol of America’s air superiority.

4. Bell X-2 Star Destroyer

In the early days of supersonic flight, the Bell X-2 Starbuster emerged as a pioneering aircraft that ushered in future jets including the X-43 and X-15.

The X-2 was the result of a 1945 collaboration between Bell Aircraft Corporation, the USAF, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).

Glory and Tragedy

In 1956, Captain Milburn G. “Mel” Apt broke the sound barrier when he achieved a top speed of Mach 3.20 in the X-2, making him the first person to fly faster than Mach 3.

Unfortunately, after breaking this record, the jet rolled over. Although Apt ejected the escape capsule he was in, he could not open his parachute before the capsule fell.

5.Lockheed YF-12

The USAF developed the Lockheed YF-12 as a prototype interceptor in the 1960s because it needed a jet that could fly at high altitude and also protect military assets against enemy supersonic bombers.

Lockheed and the military built three of these planes, and at least one of them reached a maximum speed of Mach 3.20 during testing.

Unfortunately, the USAF eventually ran out of funding for the YF-12 program and instead redirected funds to other Vietnam War-related needs. Although the United States never put this jet fighter into full production, the performance of this impressive aircraft led to the development of other high-speed military aircraft.

The only surviving aircraft is on display at the USAF National Museum in Ohio.

6. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 Foxbat

The Soviet Union developed the MiG-25, also known by its NATO codename “Foxbat”, during the Cold War. A formidable interceptor known for its blazing high speeds, the MiG-25 had a top speed of Mach 2.83 and entered service in 1970.

Enemy Intelligence

When Soviet fighter pilot Victor Belenko defected to Japan in 1976, he flew there in a MiG-25. As a result, the US military was able to obtain a wealth of information about Foxbat.

The Soviet Union designed the fighter jet to counter the threat of high-altitude reconnaissance planes and bombers. Equipped with advanced radar systems and four air-to-air missiles, the MiG-25 posed a serious challenge to Western air forces.

A Long-Lasting Legacy

The Soviet Union halted MiG-25 production decades ago, but that didn’t stop them from playing a role in subsequent global conflicts. For example, Iraq flew MiG-25 aircraft during the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War.

7. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-31 Foxhound

Building on the legacy of the MiG-25, the MiG-3 or “Foxhound” emerged as a successor in capturing and attacking high-speed targets. This fighter jet, which has a maximum speed of Mach 2.83, first took to the skies in 1975 and the Russian air force, called VVS, still uses it.

With its classic fighter jet silhouette, the MiG-31 is a formidable opponent in air combat. While a pilot controls airspeed and altitude, a weapon system officer (WSO) focuses on operating the radar and deploying weapons.

Compared to the MiG-25, the Foxhound has advanced radar capabilities and improved avionics, allowing it to fly fast with good stability at low altitudes; something its predecessor failed to do to nearly the same degree.

This article was created with AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

Original article: The Fastest Fighter Aircraft in History: NASA X-43

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