How British Airways’ ‘Flying Safe’ course is changing the lives of fearful flyers.

By | March 11, 2024

Good to go: British Airways Airbus A320 used on Flying With Confidence flights (Nick Morrish/British Airways)

“When they get off the plane at the end of the day, they cry tears of emotion. You hear things like, ‘I’ve changed, thank you very much, I can go to Australia and visit my grandchildren.’

Captain Steve Allright talks about the British Airways Flying With Confidence program he hosts and hosts.

He has been flying for 33 years, 25 of which have been spent as a training captain. He logged 18,000 hours in the air as a pilot and another 6,000 hours in a simulator to train and test other pilots. And he’s putting all that experience into a one-day course to help build confidence in fearful flyers.

Commercial aviation is safer than ever: No scheduled passenger jets were involved in fatal crashes last year.

But Captain Allright says: “All research shows that one in four people have some form of fear of flying and one in 12 have significant difficulties. So there are millions of people around the world who have this fear.”

The disadvantages of the aviation concern are obvious. People may choose to drive rather than fly, greatly increasing the risks to their safety. Or they may not travel, moving away from their families, job opportunities, and experiences abroad. Of course airlines would lose business if people were afraid to use their services.

In 1986, two British Airways pilots decided to combat “aerophobia”. Their early work has expanded into Flying With Confidence, which now offers online courses. But the basic premise is the same: a one-day course that culminates in a short flight for participants.

The one-day course consists of three parts, says Captain Allright.

“The morning session is a pilot presentation covering all aspects of commercial aviation and most importantly turbulence.

“We’ve been running the course for 30-odd years, we know what people need to know and what makes them tick, so we cover this in great detail.

“We start with pilot selection, training and testing. This is something I’m very passionate about. I explain that this is the result of two years of intensive training and what goes into it, and I explain it in great detail.

“People come up to me later and say, ‘I had no idea how much training pilots had.'”

“The afternoon session is held with a psychotherapist, sometimes a clinical psychologist. These professionals help people understand what’s going on in their minds and bodies. “They get them to understand adrenaline (fight or flight) and why their breathing is shallow, their palms are sweaty, and their heart rate is racing.” Anxious travelers are taught techniques to break the cycle.

The culmination of the day is a short “round trip” flight on a standard British Airways Airbus A320 aircraft. The journey takes about 45 minutes and returns to the same airport; This eliminates the concerns that a one-way flight may cause, as passengers know that they need to take a return flight. The majority of course participants are in flight; Flying Safely has a 98 percent success rate.

“One of the reasons the course works is because the people who come want to get better. They need tools, knowledge and psychological techniques to help them get better,” says Captain Allright.

“The reason me and my amazing team got involved is because we love travel. We love flying. We say in the introduction that we hope some of that rubs off on people throughout the day. There’s a wonderful, wonderful world out there for you to enjoy.”

Captain Allright is usually accompanied on the flight by his wife and daughter; This shows frightened passengers their absolute belief in the safety of the BA flight.

“It’s a bit of a family thing for us because they love helping people on the course,” he says.

“I usually sit on the flight deck as the extra pilot and make a running commentary on all the sounds and sensations from the moment we push back and start the engines. People seem to find it extremely helpful.”

Over the decades, more than 50,000 people have benefited from the Flying with Confidence course. But many more than this (possibly 17 million people in the UK) are reluctant fliers for whom turbulence is a serious concern.

“Our strap line is: ‘Turbulence is annoying but not dangerous,’” says Capt. Allright.

“I actually have them repeat it with their eyes closed because it’s the truth. This is one of the 100 percent assurances I can give.

“We have oceans that are liquid, and between the planet and space we have something called the atmosphere, which is filled with air. And that’s where planes fly; in the atmosphere, just like a submarine in the ocean.”

“When you’re on an airplane, you’re flying through a very thin jelly. All turbulence is caused by changes in wind speed and/or direction.

“Know with 100 percent certainty that the plane will not break even in the most severe turbulence. This never happens on modern aircraft.

“Turbulence is a normal part of flying. There’s a big, swirling atmosphere that sometimes causes just a few small ripples, and it’s perfectly safe. We understand it’s uncomfortable, and I’m not asking people to love it overnight.”

Captain Allright says that for most participants, getting off the flight represented a life-changing moment.

“I see a lot of people come out and say, ‘I wish I had done this years ago – I wasted so much of my life.’

“I say: ‘Forget it, you’ve done this now and you have the freedom to enjoy the rest of your life. Enjoy the trip. As you well know, this is just one of the greatest things that can be granted to any of us.

“Making such a difference in people’s lives in one day is incredibly rewarding.”

The one-day Flying with Confidence course takes place at London Heathrow on Saturday 23 March and costs £395. Only a few places left. Other courses will be held in 2024. A 20-minute course is among the video options on British Airways’ long-haul aircraft. Flying Safely Presented by Captain Steve Allright.

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