Health coach explains what intuitive eating is

By | March 28, 2024

Many of us grew up with things that were strange and perhaps not so.healthy relations with food.

Whether you’ve been yo-yo dieting for years or dealing with more serious eating disorders, the thought of rejecting the diet mentality and trying something new has probably crossed your mind.

To enter, intuitive eating.

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Eleanor Thackrey, health coach at Juniper, says that “intuitive eating encourages a healthy relationship with food.” (iStock)

We redefine the way we perceive nutritionIntuitive eating encourages us to tune into our body’s hunger signals to make food choices that support overall health and well-being. This isn’t just another trend, it’s an instinctive approach to eating that encourages respect for your body.

Does it sound like something you’d like to try? Here’s everything you need to know about intuitive eating.

What is intuitive eating?

“Intuitive eating cultivates a healthy relationship with food by emphasizing self-care and appreciation for the body rather than weight loss. It is a dynamic integration of instinct, emotion, and rational thought, encouraging you to honor your health by listening to your body’s signals and meeting your needs. Eleanor Thackrey, a health coach at Juniper, explains .

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Beautiful young woman measuring her waist with a measuring tape in the living room at home.
Intuitive eating shifts the focus away from weight loss, prioritizing holistic health and self-care. (iStock)

“Research shows that dieting, which focuses on strict rules and restriction, is unsustainable and often counterproductive, leading to problems such as preoccupation with the body and food, decreased self-confidence and eating disorders.

“In contrast, intuitive eating advocates a flexible, internal cue-based approach that supports physical and emotional health,” she tells 9Coach.

The science behind the benefits of intuitive eating

“More than 125 studies on intuitive eating have been conducted around the world, revealing significant benefits such as improved well-being, reduced risk of eating disorders, and better biomarkers such as blood sugar and cholesterol. Intuitive eating encourages a balanced diet and greater diversity in food.” choices and increased body awareness,” explains Eleanor.

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Mom shares healthy vegan sweet snacks with her toddler.  Concept of healthy desserts for children.  Protein granola bars, homemade raw energy balls, cashew butter, toasted coconut chips, fruit plate
Thackrey explains that “intuitive eating promotes a balanced diet.” (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

One of the best things about intuitive eating is that its benefits are both physical and psychological, and it can be especially helpful for those struggling with eating guilt.

“Psychologically, it is linked to less eating disorder behavior, improved body image, and stronger emotional regulation, helping to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger.

“Intuitive eating reduces anxiety and guilt about food and enables a more enjoyable relationship with food.”

“Unlike diet culture, it encourages eating without restriction while prioritizing healthy choices, often leading to more consistent weight maintenance and increased fruit and vegetable consumption.”

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Friends enjoying lunch
It may seem counterintuitive, but moving away from the diet mentality can lead to increased fruit and vegetable consumption. (Getty)

Intuitive eating principle

“The ten principles of intuitive eating guide you towards body harmony (recognizing and responding to physical sensations such as hunger and fullness) and remove mental barriers to this harmony, such as harmful food rules and struggles with body image,” says Eleanor.

These principles include:

1. Reject the diet mentality: Forget diet books. Embrace the concept of losing weight and giving up strict food rules.

2. Honor your hunger: Listen to your body’s physical hunger signals.

3. Make peace with food: Enjoy all foods without guilt or judgment, and enjoy your favorite foods without labeling them as “good” or “bad.”

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4. Challenge the food police: Silence the inner critic who associates food choices and body image with negativity.

5. Discover the satisfaction factor: Understand the taste, texture and satisfaction of food and choose meals that are as nutritious as they are enjoyable.

6. Know when you are full: Know when you are comfortably full and stop eating at that point.

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Intuitive eating encourages learning to enjoy food without guilt and listening to your body and hunger cues. (iStock)

7. Deal with emotions without using food: Find alternative coping strategies to deal with emotional situations.

8. Respect your body: Instead of aiming for unrealistic or unhealthy ideals, appreciate and respect your body for what it is.

9. Move for fun and well-being: Do physical activity for pleasure and health benefits, not as punishment.

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The couple prepares a delicious vegetable dish, everything is so green, healthy and freshly harvested from the garden.
Intuitive eating encourages prioritizing foods for nutrition rather than focusing on calories. (Getty)

10. Honor your health with gentle eating: While it’s possible to enjoy all foods, intuitive eating also emphasizes the importance of making food choices that support overall health and well-being.

When you apply these principles to every meal you eat, you’ll likely start to see the benefits Eleanor mentioned earlier.

Remember that you can always get help from a dietitian, nutritionist or health coach to achieve your health goals and completely change your eating habits.

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Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues should contact: Butterfly National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE) or; Eating Disorders Victoria Helpline on 1300 550 23.

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