‘I lost for the 6th time in a year’

By | April 17, 2024

Carla Fishwick, before starting the Francis Diet -Source:Carla Fishwick

A mum who dropped an incredible six stone in one year has revealed her secret after being constantly pestered for weight loss tips. Carla Fishwick was approaching her 40th birthday and knew she wanted to stay in shape, but felt “too lazy” to take action.

She had tried “millions of diets” over the years but couldn’t find one that suited her hectic lifestyle of running her own hairdressing business and being a mother of one.

But while scrolling through Instagram one evening, Carla, now 42, was inspired by the transformations on an online coach’s page and decided to try it herself, the Manchester Evening News reports.

Carla Fishwick lost more than 6th time in one yearCarla Fishwick lost more than 6 times in one year

Carla Fishwick lost more than 6 times in a year -Source:Carla Fishwick

He signed up for the Francis Diet, which provides him with a personalized calorie- and nutrient-controlled diet for the first six weeks. She also received a customized fitness plan from trainer Scott Francis that included workouts she could do at home.

Within three weeks of the start of February 2022, Carla had already shed a stone. The rapid results made him realize what he could achieve if he put his mind to it, and he committed to a “lifestyle change” that helped him lose a staggering 6st 9lbs in a year.

Carla went from a size 16 to a size 6 or 8 and now posts her own transformation pictures on Instagram and is keen to motivate others struggling with weight issues by sharing her personal story. The mom took to social media to document her journey from weighing 14st 8st to 7st 13lb.

Carla documents her weight loss journey on InstagramCarla documents her weight loss journey on Instagram

Carla documents her weight loss journey on Instagram -Source:Carla Fishwick

Carla, from Wilmslow, Cheshire, said: “I was always very lazy, the kind of person who would sleep until last alarm, I always wanted to lose weight but I wasn’t ready to do it. “I now get up at 5am every morning to exercise because I know it will get me ready for the day .This has changed my entire life for the better, and it’s not just about the weight loss, but also the mental health side.

“I get messages from people asking for help and I feel like if there’s something I can do to help people I want to try. People think there’s a magic pill or secret but there’s nothing secret about it; it’s all down to hard work and motivation. Once you get to where you want to be Once you reach it, there is no turning back.”

Some critics expressed doubts about Carla’s weight loss, while others suggested it could be due to surgery. However, the hairdressing boss rubbished the claims, saying his results were the result of sheer dedication and effort.

Gym sessions are now a regular part of Carla's life but she started with home workoutsGym sessions are now a regular part of Carla's life but she started with home workouts

Gym sessions are now a regular part of Carla’s life, but she started with home workouts -Source:Carla Fishwick

Carla is now an ambassador for the Diet of Francis, which changed her life. She said: “I saw Scott’s page a year before I signed up for Instagram. What drew me to it was all his conversions and taking no bullshit from people.”

“It gives you a nutrition plan and an exercise plan, you check it off with photos every week, but it’s not just the weight loss, it’s the mental health side as well, if you have something going on in your life or you’re an emotional person anything you eat works on that as well.”

She continued: “When I first started my goal was not to reach a certain weight but to fit into a size 12. But I found the process so simple that the weight dropped. I was amazed when it dropped. Up to a size 8 and even a size 6 now fits me, something I never thought would be possible.” It was something.”

Hairdresser constantly receives compliments from customersHairdresser constantly receives compliments from customers

Hairdresser constantly receives compliments from clients -Source: Carla Fishwick

Carla now enjoys going to the gym in stylish workout clothes, but in the early days she was more comfortable exercising at home. He said: “When you first sign up you get a welcome pack and a range of training options. Because when I started I was so heavy, I just had to go through the paces and I couldn’t train every day because I was so tired. I was so exhausted.”

“For the first six months I did it all from home. I bought a treadmill from Facebook Marketplace for £80 and used small weights, but you can also do bodyweight exercises without needing any equipment.

“[Later] “I found the confidence to go back to the gym and now training has become not only essential for me, but also part of my lifestyle, something I want to do every day.”

One of the exciting aspects of losing weight for Carla was the freedom to walk into a store and buy the clothing she desired, knowing it would fit her. And the talkative hairdresser’s stunning transformation is a regular talking point for clients at her salon.

One of her friends is former Atomic Kitten singer Kerry Katona, who shares her devotion to the Francis Diet on Instagram.

Carla says the lifestyle change has worked wonders in every aspect of her life, saying: “I feel more organized my whole life. Being ready for school, being ready for work, I’m totally organised. Because I get up so early, I get everything done early, it’s like working out at 5am.” I feel like it gives you endorphins and energy to get through the rest of the day.”

Carla’s previous diet


Great caramel latte from the coffee shop


Healthy lunch at work


Snacks – chips, daughter’s leftovers, selections from husband’s meals

drinks with husband

take away

Carla’s diet now


Scrambled eggs with piece of bacon


chicken salad


Chicken sausages with spinach and vegetables or homemade bolognese

Snacks – hazelnuts

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