Olympian Caragh McMurtry wants sport to be more inclusive of neurodiverse people

By | December 5, 2023

Former Olympic rower Caragh McMurtry is tired of neurodiverse athletes being treated like problems to be solved.

Neurodiversity; It covers a range of diagnoses, sometimes in combination, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, and embraces the idea that although people naturally experience different ways of thinking, learning and behaving, none are ‘correct’, although some are more ‘neurotypical’. ‘.

McMurtry, who endured his own long and difficult journey to an autism diagnosis after being initially misdiagnosed with bipolar II, last year founded Neurodiverse Sport, a non-profit organization that aims to challenge stigma, educate and inspire more inclusive practices within the sports industry. .

The 32-year-old, who was rewarded for his work by picking up the Innovation Award at the PLx Awards hosted by UK Sport last month, told the PA news agency: “In elite sport or sport in general, there are a lot of neurodivergent people but probably at least This is the sector being talked about.

McMurtry won the award;  Caragh won the Innovation Award at the PLx Awards hosted by UK Sport.

McMurtry won the award; Caragh wins the Innovation Award at the PLx Awards hosted by UK Sport (UK Sport statement/PA Wire)

“It’s all about looking strong, and there’s a misconception about neurodiversity and that it’s a complete deficiency, so people don’t want to come out about it.

“Even though they are surrounded by different and extreme people, they will feel like the loneliest people in the world. And this is a great irony.

“There are always really well-intentioned people, but there is still a significant portion of coaches who see different behavior as difficult, problematic, and just want a solution to that behavior.”

Since launching Neurodiverse Sport, McMurtry says he has been inundated with messages from elite athletes such as: ‘I don’t feel confident enough to talk to my coaches about it because I don’t want to be judged or have my abilities judged, but it really helps to know I’m not alone.’

The fear of being judged (or worse) is a legitimate fear that involves outdated and inaccurate misunderstandings that can not only affect an athlete’s reputation or relationships, but can even put their livelihood at risk.

While each individual is different, an autistic athlete, for example, may struggle more than a neurotypical teammate with indirect communication styles, overstimulating or unfamiliar environments, social obligations, sudden changes in routine, or even simple things like texture or taste. whatever food is offered to them.

A landmark 2019 Manchester Employment Tribunal ruling concluded that elite athletes funded in the UK are not employees of their relevant governing bodies and are therefore not subject to employment laws covering things like unfair dismissal.

This means that McMurtry, a neurodiverse athlete who might thrive in a situation better adapted to his needs, may instead fear reprisals or being kicked off the team simply because his differences or reactions to non-inclusive environments are seen as “difficult.” The responsibility falls on elite athletes who are already under pressure to both educate and advocate for their own needs.

Gymnast Simone Biles spoke candidly about her ADHD diagnosisGymnast Simone Biles spoke candidly about her ADHD diagnosis

Gymnast Simone Biles spoke candidly about her ADHD diagnosis (Mike Egerton/PA)

Meanwhile, the positive traits commonly associated with diagnoses under the neurodiversity umbrella are either undervalued or unrestrained.

But given the right tools, neurodiverse athletes are perfectly capable of thriving; swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Simone Biles were diagnosed with ADHD and are widely regarded as the best athletes ever in their respective sports.

McMurtry, who retired from international rowing after competing for Great Britain in the women’s eight at Tokyo 2020, wants to see more formal changes to the policy that would offer protection for both neurodiverse athletes and staff, allowing them to feel safe presenting their diagnoses. A clear path to engagement and support, recognizing each person’s unique needs.

He added: “I think the key to all of this is that it’s not down to each individual athlete who’s already dealing with their own differences, there’s no role models and a lot of advice is given because athletes need to be skewed or they need to turn it into what’s relevant to them.

“It’s not fair for them to try to find their own way by educating the people around them and having to learn from their mistakes.

“It’s the systems’ responsibility to figure this out for the athletes. “Those who are attacked are athletes.”

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