Nutrition rules for people over 60, according to Spanish experts

By | May 30, 2024

While awareness of healthy eating is increasing, there is still a lack of knowledge about how we should eat in old age, which is exactly when it can play a more important role in our bodies. “Aging begins long before the age of 60 and continues until the end of our lives. We must take into account certain nutritional criteria in this process,” explains Glòria Arbonés, pharmacist and member of the nutrition section of the Official College of Pharmacists of Barcelona and the Catalan Association of Food Sciences.

Within the framework of the FiraGran fair, the expert presented the Guide to nutritional recommendations for the elderly, together with Assumpció Roset, doctor of pharmacy and former member of the Department of Food and Nutrition of the Official College of Pharmacists of Barcelona. . Both experts emphasize that each individual has individual needs and characteristics, and that nutritional approaches should be personalized. “There is a wide spectrum of individuals over the age of 60, there have been serious demographic changes and if being very old started at 70 in the past, we are now reaching over 100 years of age. This highlights the heterogeneity between individuals,” Arbonés emphasizes. Following this basic premise, they also offer some nutritional guidelines for successful aging.

Fewer calories? Yes but carefully

“During the aging process, there is a progressive slowdown in metabolism, no growth in the body, and a decrease in cellular repair. Muscle tissue is also lost and physical activity decreases. “All this leads to a decrease in energy needs,” say the experts in the guide. In this regard, individualization of health services is important. As Arbonés notes, “Reducing calorie intake at this stage is often linked to consuming fewer carbohydrates; simple sugars found in pastries and desserts are the first sugars we should cut back. The carbohydrates we associate with pasta are complex and therefore should not be the primary target of reduction.”

As we get older, the desire to eat sweet foods often increases. This can be attributed to a physiological factor: “changes in taste sensitivity, the salty taste disappears more quickly, so many older people crave more salt.” One of the best preserved and enjoyed tastes is sweetness. According to Arbonés, this is also due to the tendency of some older individuals to increase their consumption of sweets, and we need to follow this.”

Roset points out that although energy needs decrease as we get older, this does not mean that we do not need calories at all. “For example, I like to recommend adding nuts to meals to increase the density of the meal.”

It changes taste sensitivity, and one of the best preserved and enjoyed tastes is sweet.

Gloria ArbonésPharmacist and member of the Nutrition and Food Studies Group

Different types of candy

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Protein: which one and how much?

It is important not to overlook the correct intake of high-quality protein to compensate for the loss of muscle mass. According to experts’ recommendations, protein intake with high biological value should constitute 50% of the total protein.

What is this high quality protein or high biological value? Preferably those derived from milk and dairy products, chicken, fish, legumes and eggs. “It is animal protein, but you have to be careful because most of these (like red meats) are generally associated with fats and are not recommended,” notes Arbonés, who insists on the appropriateness of consuming white meat and fatty fish. associated with healthy fats and omega-3) and consume legumes at least three times a week; because they are also a high-quality source of protein, linked to fiber and iron.

Egg whites have a high content of amino acids that support muscle protein synthesis.

Gloria ArbonésPharmacist and member of the Nutrition and Food Studies Group

Regarding the egg, which has been one of the controversial foods for years, Arbonés emphasizes that “The protein is very healthy and is found in the egg white, while the cholesterol associated with the egg is concentrated in the yolk.” Moreover, according to the pharmaceutical expert in the field of nutrition, egg whites contain high amounts of amino acids that support muscle protein synthesis. “I recommend limiting the consumption of egg yolks to three per week, but not egg whites, which are commercially available in freeze-dried form and can be easily incorporated into purees and soups.”

Calcium necessary for bones

As the guide explains, as we age we need more calcium to prevent bone demineralization and reduce the risk of fractures. Therefore, milk and dairy products are healthy foods for people over the age of 60. Fat-free ones? We often wonder whether we should avoid fats. “If you leave dairy products skimmed, the problem is that you eliminate vitamin D,” says Arbonés. “In our country, we have an important source of vitamin D that we do not know how to utilize in old age, and that is the sun.”

While it is true that high levels of sunscreen, like window glass, limit the passage of vitamin D (as it blocks the passage of ultraviolet rays), we should take advantage of brief moments in our daily routine, such as going out on the balcony. going out to hang laundry, shopping or doing an activity… Thanks to daily habits, let’s make sure to spend about 10 minutes in the sun every day.

Iron is beyond flesh

In later stages of aging, sensitivity increases, sometimes associated with decreased iron in the body. “It is believed that iron intake comes from foods containing meat, and this is true, but there are other foods that contain iron, such as legumes or shellfish. “Although plant-based iron is not absorbed as effectively as animal-based iron alone, it can be absorbed as effectively as animal-based iron if taken in the same meal with foods rich in vitamin C,” Arbonés advises. Some examples include legumes and tomato salad or a side dish in the same meal. plate of spinach followed by an orange for dessert.

Water is the source of longevity

A recently published study Lancet showed that lifelong water restriction in mice shortened lifespan and promoted degenerative changes. The hypothesis being investigated is that optimal hydration may slow the aging process in humans.

“If there is a deficiency in fluid intake, the risk of shortened lifespan is greater,” Arbonés points out. “I’m a firm believer in water, fruits and vegetables. Hydration helps age better, the whole body functions better. Older adults should drink very often, Roset says. There should be a balance between the water we drink and the water we excrete (urine, sweat, breath…). In old age, there is a tendency to dehydration, which is a completely unfavorable condition for the body. The advice is the same for the adult population; Consuming one and a half to two liters of water a day, including the water content in foods such as soups and drinks…”

Hydration helps you age better

Assumption RosetPhD in Pharmacy and former member of the Food and Nutrition committee of the Official College of Pharmacists of Barcelona

It is important to remember that the feeling of thirst decreases after the age of 60, but you still need to drink water. Some people may drink less due to a sense of urgency and urinary incontinence. “This can, as a general rule, be remedied by certain physical exercises and the habit of going to the toilet every two or three hours.”

How many times to eat

In their guide, Arbonés and Roset recommend eating four to five meals a day. “It is recommended to avoid not eating for long periods of time as hypoglycemia, fatigue, and disorientation may occur,” they state in their publication. According to Roset, “Eating five meals a day helps distribute nutrients and also aids digestion. Just one fruit for dinner? No, you should eat foods similar to those for lunch at night because proteins are needed. Older people are at risk of malnutrition He comments, “It is opposite.

Based on the most recent studies recommending time-restricted eating intervals of eight to sixteen hours to promote proper cellular autophagy, Roset believes that these are specific research studies for aging but do not apply to older individuals.

Ayuno is intermittent.

According to Arbonés and Roset, in old age we should eat four or five times a day.

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Two healthcare professionals also emphasize the importance of eating together, beyond what to eat and at what time. “Mealtimes are an opportunity for socialization and communication, and we should try to encourage this at all ages, especially taking into account the abilities of older people,” they say. Therefore, in residential centers and group dining, they advocate round tables where diners can better interact, avoiding the isolation of rectangular tables. “Round tables are for socializing; “Just like eating alone reduces appetite, it bores people and affects their mood,” Roset notes.

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