Are you ‘Far-Right’? Take our test!

By | June 16, 2024

We hear the term “far right” very often these days. Or at least we do if we get our news from the BBC. Guard or leading Left-wing pundits. So what exactly do they mean by this? Unfortunately, they rarely say it. They tend to call a party, politician or group of voters “far right” and leave it that way.

Fortunately, help is at hand. Take our quick quiz to find out if you are at risk of joining the growing number of dangerous extremists labeled the ‘far right’…

one. In 1993 the UK’s annual net immigration figure was approximately zero. Thirty years later, in 2023, the annual net migration figure reached 685,000. What do you think about this change?

A. This shows how much Rishi Sunak’s racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, Little England Conservative Government hates immigrants. The 2023 figure would have to be at least twice as high.

B. I don’t see any problem with this. Certainly not in the charming, peaceful and expensive middle-class suburb where I live.

C. Now if you put it that way, the 2023 number seems a bit steep.

2. Do women have penises?

A. Clearly. Come on, this is basic biology. As of approximately 2015.

B. Oh, should we really keep fueling these monstrous culture wars? What’s wrong with putting already convicted rapists in a prison full of women?

C. Er… no?

3. Last Saturday the IDF rescued four Israeli hostages from Gaza. What was your reaction?

A. Like every honest and compassionate person, I was appalled by the deliberate murder of innocent Hamas officials.

B. Both sides need to put their differences aside and live in peace. Why doesn’t anyone seem to have thought of this?

C. If Hamas had not wanted the IDF to launch an armed operation to rescue the hostages, perhaps they should not have taken the hostages in the first place.

4. Last month a councilor in Leeds ended his local election acceptance speech by screaming: “Allahu Akbar!” How did you feel about this?

A. There was absolutely nothing malicious or threatening about it. As anyone who knows the first thing about Islamic culture can tell you, it actually means “happy birthday.”

B. Do we really need to dwell on such things? It’s all extremely strange and disturbing. Look, let’s keep our heads down, I’m sure everything will be over.

C. He might be a very nice guy once you get to know him, but I can’t say I have any immediate plans to invite him over for wine and snacks.


Mostly: Congratulations! You are a progressive person. Therefore, you have all the approved views on today’s important issues.

Mostly b: You are centrist. As a result, you believe in moderation, sophistication, and never express any ideas that could harm your reputation in fashion circles. If Person

Mostly c: You far-right, bigoted, hateful, genocidal, transphobic Zionist. You are literally Hitler.

Beak Greens

Liberal commentators used to say Ukip was a warehouse for people too crazy for the Conservatives. I wonder if they will say the same thing about what is happening on the Left now? Because it seems to me that the Greens have become a repository of people too crazy for Labour. They are a magnet for fanatics. A lodestone for sycophants. It’s as if the party that put ‘smart’ into ‘Environmentalism’ started a recruitment campaign with the slogan ‘Join the Greens’.

It’s not just their supporters who can be a bit eccentric, though. Consider this remarkable story about deputy leader Zack Polanski. 11 years ago, while working as a hypnotherapist in Harley Street, he told a woman: Sun The journalist said she could help her breasts grow by tapping into the powers of her unconscious mind.

Mr. Polanski has been quite embarrassed by this story since he entered politics. Asked about this by LBC radio on Wednesday, he said he had apologized for his comments.

But in a way, I wish he could just stand his ground. He could claim that, like any good Green, he is trying to reduce our dependence on plastic.

In any case, Mr. Polanski is not the first politician to make such a commitment. During the 2005 election campaign, Boris Johnson declared that voting Conservative would “make your wife have bigger breasts”.

Another broken promise. No wonder Tory voters are so unhappy.

Rowling in the corridors

A self-identified “queer” playwright wrote a play about JK Rowling, portraying her as a “terf” (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) for her opposition to gender ideology. However, the play’s producers are reportedly having trouble finding actresses willing to take on female roles.

Personally, I don’t see the problem. Of course, men can also play these roles.

The Way of the World twice a week, a satirical look at headlines aimed at mocking the absurdities of the modern world. It airs every Tuesday and Saturday at 7am.

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