24 Healthy Takeaway Options for Popular Cuisines

By | August 9, 2024

Takeaway can be the most accessible option for many people and doesn’t always have to be high in calories, fat, and sugar. Some healthy takeaway options include vegetable dishes instead of fried foods, and baked or steamed foods. Every restaurant and cuisine is different, but in general, you want to make sure your takeout order includes some produce and as little sauce and dressing as possible.

Takeout seems easier than ever. Nearly a third of adults in the United States used food delivery apps to order from a restaurant or store in 2021. Read on to find out which takeout options are the healthiest and tips for ordering.

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Thai food is rich in vegetables and lean meats, so you should have no problem finding a tasty and nutritious option. Try one of these orders.

1. Summer Rolls

Go for these instead of spring rolls, as they are steamed rather than fried. Thai-style vegetables are generally not high in fat, but spring rolls are usually higher in calories and fat because they are fried. Summer rolls also contain vegetables and lean protein.

2. Chicken Satay

Spiced, skewered and grilled chicken is a good source of protein, which helps in the production and repair of cells. Chicken satay also comes on a stick, which makes it fun to eat. You can ask for peanut sauce on the side if you’re trying to cut down on added fat and calories.

3. Green Papaya Salad

This salad includes julienned papaya, beans, Thai chilies, a few fresh vegetables, and peanuts for a flavorful and spicy meal. Studies have found that papaya contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can repair cell damage in your body.

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Italian food gets a bad rap for its abundance of carb-heavy dishes, but balance is key. Carbs are your body’s preferred source of energy, and pasta is a type of carb. Instead of choosing one food over another, try making substitutions.

Don’t forget to pay attention to your portion sizes, too. One serving of pizza is equal to one-fourth of a medium pizza. As for pasta, a serving size is half a cup, although restaurants may serve more than that.

1. Choose Tomato-Based Sauces

You can enjoy a pasta dish every now and then. Marinara or other tomato-style sauces may be lower in calories than others if you’re trying to manage your weight. These sauces will also be lower in fat and saturated fat.

Tomatoes are a source of nutrients such as lycopene and potassium, iron, folate and vitamin C. The fruit provides other antioxidants such as beta-carotene and phenolic compounds. Studies have found that the nutrients in tomatoes may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Choose Thin Crust

Opt for thin-crust pizza to avoid the extra calories of a thick, processed flour crust. You can even add vegetable toppings for extra nutrition.

3. Add protein

Try adding protein to your Italian dishes, especially pasta, which can leave you hungry shortly after eating. Protein helps keep you full for longer. For example, you could add grilled shrimp to pasta fra diavolo or grilled chicken to penne pomodoro.

Chinese food offers many options if you want to fill up on vegetables, lean meats, and grains. Some of the substitutions or options below may help you choose a balanced meal.

1. Order Brown Rice

This is a simple substitution and is something that restaurants usually make. Brown rice is whole grain, meaning the entire grain remains intact. As a result, brown rice offers more fiber than white rice. Fiber adds bulk to your meals, helping you feel full for longer. Studies have shown that brown rice also contains moderate amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and various bioactive compounds.

2. Steamed Meatballs

Steamed dumplings contain vegetables and protein, such as shrimp, making them a balanced choice. You can also try steamed broccoli or bok choy for more vegetables. Sauce usually comes on the side of steamed dumplings, so you can limit added calories and fat.

3. Steamed Chicken and Broccoli

Opt for steamed meat and vegetables. One ounce of chicken adds about seven grams of protein. Broccoli is a source of vitamin C, which supports your immune system and protects against cell damage. If the restaurant you go to offers sauce on the side of your meal, don’t forget to ask for it.

There is a wide variety of foods to choose from in Japanese food. You can choose from many plant-based dishes and dishes that contain animal protein.

1. Miso Soup

Miso soup is basically a bunch of miso broth mixed with a bit of tofu, nori and onion. Be aware that miso soup can contain a high amount of sodium, with around 1,470 milligrams (mg) in one cup. Experts recommend limiting your sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day, or 1,500 mg if you have high blood pressure.

Despite its sodium content, a study published in 2015 found that among middle-aged Asian men who frequently consumed miso soup, participants were more likely to have a low heart rate. The researchers did not link miso soup to hypertension (high blood pressure), a heart disease risk factor.

2. Chicken Teriyaki

Opt for chicken and vegetable dishes, like Chinese takeout. For example, chicken teriyaki with vegetables is a balanced option. If you’re conscious of your sodium intake, order the sauce on the side.

3. Tuna or California Rolls

Sushi is rice, vegetables, and cooked or raw fish wrapped in a seaweed roll. The preparation and seasoning can reduce the overall nutritional value. Sushi that is dipped in tempura, fried, and then covered in a creamy sauce will have more fat and calories than sushi that is just fish, rice, and vegetables wrapped in nori.

Try tuna or California rolls, which are delicious and low in fat. Both contain a reasonable amount of protein. Tuna rolls provide omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce your risk of heart disease.

Mexican food has plenty of delicious and healthy options. Many Mexican dishes include beans, which contain filling fiber, and vegetables.

1. Choose Whole Beans

Whole beans are boiled in water, unlike refried beans, which are cooked with added oil. As a result, whole beans are low in fat and calories while offering all the protein power of beans.

Beans generally offer a variety of health benefits. The phytochemicals in beans help improve cholesterol and blood sugar. These bioactive compounds protect blood vessels and reduce markers of chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that beans also support healthy gut bacteria.

2. Limit Cheese and Sour Cream Consumption

Ask for cheese and sour cream on the side so you can control portion sizes. These dairy products are safe in moderation, but too much cheese and sour cream can increase your saturated fat intake. Saturated fat can raise your cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease.

3. Veggie Burrito Bowl

A veggie burrito bowl with brown rice, sautéed onions and peppers, beans, guacamole, lettuce, and salsa has plenty of produce to help you reach your goals. Experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The fiber in beans will help you stay full for a long time.

Indian food is full of flavor and lots of vegetables. You can enjoy one of the balanced options below.

1. Lentils

Dal is a lentil-based dish with flavorful spices like cinnamon and cumin. Some dals are made with coconut milk. Look for a tomato-based dal if you want to reduce your dietary fat intake.

Cinnamon is not only a delicious spice, but studies have shown that cinnamon contains compounds that act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobials. Cinnamon may protect against cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

2. Chan Masala

The main ingredient of chana masala is chickpeas which offer ample amount of protein. Chickpeas have various nutrients like:

  • Fiber
  • Folate
  • Healthy fats
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins A, C and E

Some evidence suggests that chickpeas may help manage weight, regulate blood sugar and insulin, and reduce the risk of heart disease. A nice plus of this dish: you can eat it as is or with brown rice.

3. Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken wraps are delicious and a good way to add some protein to your meal. If you plan on having it with rice, be sure to ask for brown rice instead of white rice for more fiber and nutrients.

Greek food includes elements of the Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet helps improve your blood sugar, cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

1. Hummus

Hummus is a dish made by mixing ground chickpeas with tahini. One cup of ready-to-eat chickpeas contains 12 grams (g) of protein and just over 10g of fiber. You can enjoy it with fresh vegetables or whole wheat pita bread.

2. Fatush Salad

This salad has breadcrumbs and tons of leafy greens. Studies have found that one serving of leafy greens a day can slow down age-related cognitive decline. You can enjoy it with a vinegar sauce.

3. Falafel Pita

Order this Greek dish on a whole-wheat pita for fiber and protein. Falafel is a vegetarian-friendly protein option made from ground beans or chickpeas.

You don’t have to give up these traditional comfort foods. Making simple adjustments to soups and burgers can help boost your nutrient intake.

1. Broth-Based Soup

Broth-based vegetable soups are generally healthier options than cream-based soups. Broth cuts out added fat and calories. Pair your soup with a salad to make it a balanced meal.

2. Veggie Burger

Traditional burgers are high in saturated fat, which can raise your cholesterol and lead to weight gain. Opt for a veggie burger instead and top it with tomato and lettuce for added nutritional value.

3. Vegetarian Chili

A vegetarian chili can be a filling and satisfying choice. This variation has less fat and more fiber than traditional chili, thanks to the beans.

You don’t have to give up your favorite restaurant meal to eat healthy and balanced. Instead, keep these tips in mind when ordering takeout:

  • Consider how your food is cooked: Find out if the restaurant offers to bake or steam your food instead of frying it.
  • Control your portion size: Many restaurants serve large portions. Try eating half of your meal and eating the other half later.
  • For water: Soda and other fountain drinks often contain a lot of added sugar. Alcohol is another source of “empty calories” that contribute to weight gain but provide no nutrients.
  • Eat vegetables with: You can enjoy the occasional French fry, but if you want to reduce your calorie intake, ask for steamed vegetables.
  • Enjoy sweets in moderation: You can enjoy sweet treats every now and then. You can ask another person to share a dessert with you.
  • Order salad dressings and sauces separately: This gives you control over how much food you put in your meal.

Takeout is often an easy and accessible option for many people. You can make simple adjustments to popular dishes from a variety of cuisines to create a balanced meal. For example, ask for brown rice or whole wheat bread instead of refined white flour items. Other healthy options include baked or steamed foods and vegetable dishes instead of fried foods.

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