Health Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements

By | January 1, 2024

When you feel a cold coming on, you can resort to vitamin C supplements due to its health-boosting properties. “Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, which means we must get it from foods or supplements to meet our needs,” says Tamar Samuels, RDN, co-founder of New York City-based Culina Health.

The National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements recommends that adults get 75 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C per day for women and 90 mg of vitamin C per day for men; Smokers should take an additional 35 mg per day, while pregnant and breastfeeding women should take 85 and 120 mg respectively.

RELATING TO: Am I Getting Enough Vitamin C?

According to the Mayo Clinic, most people get enough vitamin C through diet alone; It can be easily found in citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes and berries, among other fruits and vegetables. While it’s best to get your vitamin C from food, you can opt for vitamin C supplements to fill gaps or take higher doses. “Most vitamin C supplements start with 100 to 500 mg per capsule, which is certainly higher than the vitamin C content found in vitamin C-rich foods,” says Samuels.

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