Generation Z looks for this when shopping for a car

By | January 3, 2024

Is Generation Z more attached to cars than other generations? A new survey has revealed a trend in how serious the nation’s newest consumer group is about vehicles. In a survey of 4,000 U.S. adults evenly divided by generation, 76% of Gen Zers reported purchasing their first vehicle before age 21; This is in stark contrast to the 56% of millennials who bought at the same age. When starting the vehicle shopping process, 54% of Generation Z said that the biggest factor in their decision was price. Other important aspects to consider when looking for a new car include fuel efficiency (42%), longevity and reliability (36%), safety rating (29%) and comfort (28%). Two-thirds of Gen Zers said they feel more confident in understanding how cars are priced than older generations (Gen X: 53% and baby boomers: 37%). The study, commissioned by, found that 62% of respondents had purchased their current vehicle from a dealer or had pre-ordered their vehicle from a dealer. Eighty-one percent overall agreed that it is important to touch, feel and test drive a car before purchasing it. Four-fifths of Gen Z said they prefer to purchase their vehicle in person rather than online (9%), unlike tech-focused millennials (16%) who prefer online shopping. “We’re particularly interested in how Generation Z will shape the vehicle-buying landscape,” says Jenni Newman, editor-in-chief of “What’s most interesting is how Gen Z is bucking the trend set by Millennials when it comes to car shopping. While arguably the most tech-savvy generation, “we’re seeing this younger generation place more emphasis on talking to people face-to-face when it comes to a big purchase like a car; they value the role local car dealerships play in the last mile of a car’s purchases and a big deal.” are spending more time researching what they want before making a decision.” According to results conducted by OnePoll, Gen Z is taking more time when shopping before pulling the trigger, with 64% taking up to four weeks to research vehicles before purchasing. Interestingly, It was also found that 55% of Gen Zers have purchased a used car, compared to 55% of Millennials purchasing new.To make things easier for themselves, respondents were asked to use history reports (52%), total cost transparency (47%), and vehicle (44%) said they prefer to use car shopping tools that offer price history.Research has shown that there are a number of financial differences between Generation Z and other generations when it comes to car shopping. More than half of Gen Zers (57%) are happy with car payments as high as $400, similar to 60% of Gen Xers; Generation Y (48%) was the least satisfied with these prices. Confident about the amount they can spend, Gen Z admitted not being able to get a fair price (22%) and fears about the financing process and approval (16%) as some of their biggest pain points in the car-buying process. Most Gen Zers will shop for a vehicle by consulting friends and family members first (60%), followed by car dealer websites and salespeople (55%). This differs from their Millennial counterparts, who search for car dealer websites and salespeople first (63%) and friends and family second (51%), but third is where all age groups align (36%): online car value expert review articles, websites or applications. Testing a vehicle’s capabilities typically took the form of an initial test drive (78%), having a more knowledgeable friend or family member look at the vehicle (56%), or taking a look under the hood themselves (42%). %). More than half of Gen Zers (54%) will consider purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) in the future, unlike their Gen X parents (41%), due to the long-term financial benefits (52%). Other factors mentioned include their environmental impact (54%) and not having to pay for gas (52%). “We’ve joked for years that younger generations prioritize personal fulfillment over practicality,” Newman adds. “We’re now seeing a mix of both; Gen Z wants to own a vehicle that won’t leave them desperate on their budget, but they’re willing to put in the work to make sure it suits their lifestyle.” THE 13 MOST IMPORTANT VEHICLE SHOPPING FACTORS FOR GENERATION Z Price – 54% Fuel efficiency – 42% Long life and reliability – 36% Safety rating – 29% Comfort – 28% Brand/manufacturer – 19% Recommendations from family/friends – 15% Color – % 13 Apple CarPlay/Android Auto – 10% Dealer/platform where I purchased the vehicle – 9% Cargo space – 9% Ease of entry and exit – 7% Blind spot monitoring – 7% Survey methodology: This random duo was published by on August 30th. A participatory survey of 1,000 Generation Z American car owners and drivers was conducted between September 7, 2023. This survey was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Community. Institutional membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Association for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

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