RDs Share Their Anti-Diet Approaches to Nutrition

By | November 26, 2023

A.After years of dieting and exposure to toxic diet culture, we tend to associate nutrient-rich foods with restrictive diets. Salads and other vegetables are often a mainstay of the diet. But intuitive eating is all about ditching diets altogether. While this practice is often misunderstood as an excuse to eat forbidden foods all day, every day, this is not the case; It’s really about taking an anti-diet approach to nutrition.

The intuitive eater consumes a variety of foods that make his or her body feel good, taking into account hunger and satiety cues. There is no off-limits food. Emotions are not numbed by food. And the food rules are no longer in effect. This means that there is no such thing as “good food” and “bad food” anymore. Instead, foods are eaten for physical function and overall health.

Experts in This Article

  • Catherine Karnatz, RD, registered dietitian, health writer, and founder of Nutrition Education RD
  • Christine Milmine, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist at Plant Powered You
  • Eden Davis, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist and co-owner of Pearl Wellness
  • Julie Pace, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist at Core Nutrition Health+Wellness
  • Kayley Myers, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist
  • Kelsey Kunik, R.D.
  • Rebecca Jaspan, MPH, RD, CEDS, CDCES, registered dietitian

We know that some foods have many health benefits. But if you’re healing your relationship with food, you may be afraid of falling into the diet trap. How to improve your overall nutritional quality without restriction? When practicing intuitive eating, part of this process involves embracing the principle of gentle eating.

gentle nutrition

Dieting tends to give us an all-or-nothing attitude. You’re on or you’re off. You eat whole nutrient-rich and nutritious foods, or you take a cheat day (or week…or month) and eat nothing but ultra-processed foods.

Once you get out of the diet mentality, incorporating nutrition can be difficult. Julie Pace, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist at Core Nutrition Health+Wellness, recommends taking a mindful, holistic, anti-diet approach to nutrition. “One way to do this is to focus on eating foods that nourish your body and make you feel your best,” she says.

Intuitive eating is all about experimentation and discovery. You look at food with new eyes. Food is no longer seen as punishment or reward; you nourish your body for optimum health and wellness. “This may include exploring a variety of nutrient-dense foods, trying different cooking methods, or simply practicing mindfulness,” says Pace.

Effortlessly elevate your anti-diet approach to nutrition with these 5 strategies

1. Eat breakfast

Breakfast has gotten a bad rap among intermittent fasting enthusiasts. Apparently ignoring your hunger for half the day shouldn’t be worn like a badge of honor. Actually skipping breakfast heart diseaseone, hypertension2, Increased risk of type 2 diabetes3And cancer4.

Anti-diet dietitian Kelsey Kunik, RDN, Graciously Nourished, recommended starting the day with a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast. “Breakfast is a great way to stay full and energized throughout the morning,” she says. “It can also help prevent overeating later in the day, which can be triggered by skipping meals and making yourself too hungry.”

2. Try simple swaps

You don’t have to give up the foods you love. Instead, try new ways to make an old favorite. You can often switch up ingredients to get more health benefits without sacrificing flavor. Some examples of swaps include:

  • Milk and natural sweeteners instead of coffee creamer: Coffee is a drink that many people cannot do without. According to market research, only 25 percent of people drink their coffee black. This means the rest adds some kind of cream or flavor enhancer. Flavored creamers are extremely popular but come with a list of potentially questionable ingredients (e.g. hydrogenated oil and artificial flavors). You don’t have to give up your morning beer. Try simple ingredients like organic half-and-half, coconut sugar, or oat milk and maple syrup to add flavor to your coffee.
  • Whole grain instead of white: Dietary fiber, found in whole grains such as brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal and whole wheat pasta, has numerous benefits, including aiding digestion and preventing constipation. It was also found that whole grain consumption increased. reduce cancer risk5. Many whole grain products can be replaced with refined counterparts without changing the taste. Replace white rice with brown rice in your stir-fry. Try whole wheat bowtie noodles in your next pasta salad.
  • Greek yogurt for regular yogurt: Greek yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which are essential for gut health. Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt contains more than twice as much protein and almost half as many carbohydrates. You can also use plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream; This is something to keep in mind the next time you make sauce or chili.

3. Combine foods in snacks

It’s easy to grab a banana or cheese stick and get going. But choosing to eat only one food group as a meal or snack can leave you wanting. Just because it’s a snack doesn’t mean you have to skip a food group. Eating a combination of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and protein) is filling and helps give you the energy you need for focus and activity.

“I always recommend pairing two foods, such as carbohydrates and protein or protein and fat. This combination helps make sure you’re getting enough nutrients and powers you through until your next meal,” says dietitian Rebecca Jaspan, MPH, RD, CEDS, CDCES. Her favorite combinations are crackers and cheese, apple and peanut butter, or fruit and nuts.

4. Honor your desires

Food cravings are a normal part of life. Since there are no prohibited or unlimited foods in intuitive eating, you are free to eat whatever you want. Moreover, you can use this as an opportunity to get some beneficial nutrients. “You can improve nutrition by focusing on variety, balance, and practicing gentle nutrition,” says Eden Davis, RDN, LDN, co-founder of Pearl Wellness Practice.

So what does this look like? You’re just blending longing with nourishment. Take the desire for chocolate, for example. “We know that chocolate will satisfy our taste buds, but not necessarily provide satiety and nutrition. “We can add a fruit like coconut to this snack to provide more nutrients, staying power, and balance,” says Davis.

5. Add nutrient-dense foods

Supplementation is crucial when you’re trying to improve your nutrition. “Look for ways to incorporate nutrients into your meals rather than avoiding certain foods,” said dietitian Kayley Myers, RDN. Well-studied dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, have informed us about which foods support health and prevent disease. You can add these foods and reap the benefits without cutting calories, carbs or points.

What’s more, foods can be chosen based on your personal needs, preferences and desired benefits. For example, “People looking to reduce inflammation can add antioxidant-rich foods like berries, sweet potatoes, or green tea to their meals and snacks,” says Meyers. “This can help you focus on using food as a tool.” Take care of your body.”

It doesn’t have to be complicated. If you want to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, start small by adding one serving to a meal or snack each day, says Catherine Karnatz, MPH, RD. “This might look like blending a handful of frozen fruit into your morning smoothie or adding canned beans to your favorite soup recipe,” she says.

Look at the big picture

Improving the quality of your diet doesn’t need to be done on a timeline. Give yourself kindness and accept that some days will have better nutrition than others. This is completely normal. “If you’re trying to include more nutrient-dense foods, it’s important not to get stuck on a single meal or day,” says Christine Milmine, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist at Plant Powered You. “Instead, consider focusing on incorporating longer-term healthy habits into your overall eating pattern.”

The process of becoming an intuitive eater is a journey. It takes some time to forget the rules of nutrition and their relationship to diet. But making peace with food and choosing foods that honor your body will be worth it.

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  1. Rong, Shuang et al. “The Association of Skipping Breakfast with Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology volume 73.16 (2019): 2025-2032. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2019.01.065

  2. Li, Zishuo et al. “Skipping Breakfast Is Associated with Hypertension in Adults: A Meta-Analysis.” International journal of hypertension volume 2022 7245223. 3 March 2022, doi:10.1155/2022/7245223

  3. Ballon, Aurélie et al. “Skipping Breakfast is Associated with an Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies.” Nutrition Journal volume 149.1 (2019): 106-113. doi:10.1093/jn/nxy194

  4. Helo, Dena et al. “Association of skipping breakfast with cancer-related and all-cause mortality in a national cohort of adults in the United States.” Causes and control of cancer: CCC volume 32.5 (2021): 505-513. doi:10.1007/s10552-021-01401-9

  5. Gaesser, Glenn A. “Whole Grains, Refined Grains, and Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses of Observational Studies.” nutrients volume 12.12 3756. 7 December 2020, doi:10.3390/nu12123756

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