11 foods you should never eat before a workout for best results

By | January 23, 2024

It’s important to eat something before warming up, and needing to eat to fuel your workout is a great excuse to munch on your favorite snack before heading to the gym. As David Wiener, nutrition and training expert at fitness app Freeletics, puts it: “If you exercise on an empty stomach, your body will not have enough energy to perform at its best.”

But – and this is an important but – What What you eat is also very important. Unfortunately, as much as we want to eat Pringles and pepperoni pizza, there are some foods that should be avoided before a workout. From where? If you opt for certain snacks, “all your energy will likely be spent on digesting that food,” rather than fueling your workout, the expert explains.

So it pays to plan ahead when you need a pick-me-up before a training session. Here are 11 types of foods and beverages and snack swaps that Wiener recommends avoiding before a workout:

1. Foods Full of Fiber

In general, fiber-rich foods like whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, and oats are good for you and can help you stay full longer and regulate your digestive system. However, Wiener says that these foods should not be consumed before exercise because these foods take longer to be digested in the body and can cause gastrointestinal problems. “This distress can result in bloating, nausea, gas and stomach cramps, which can hinder your workout, meaning you should avoid these before a workout.”

Instead, he recommends choosing “easier-to-digest vegetables like asparagus and potatoes.”

2. Energy drinks

“Many gym-goers assume they’ll need an energy drink before a workout to get through their session. But energy drinks can be loaded with unnecessary sugars and caffeine, which will spike your blood sugar levels, making you jittery and irritable. And they’ll raise your blood pressure, according to the pro.” “The reactions are counterproductive to a good workout, causing your body to work harder to burn the sugar you just consumed instead of burning fat.”

She adds: “Instead, opt for more natural ways to boost energy levels, which can be as simple as getting enough sleep. If you’re feeling too tired to exercise, this is your body’s way of telling you to rest and avoid injury.”

3. Hazelnuts

“Although healthy fats are an important part of our overall diet, consuming high-fat meals or snacks like nuts before exercise can compromise your workout,” says Wiener. “This is because fat is a nutrient that slows down digestion, and the more fat in a meal or snack, the longer it takes for that meal or snack to be digested.”

He explains that the purpose of pre-workout nutrition is to prepare the body, and for this to happen, the food must be fully digested and ready to be used as fuel. “If you want to add fat to your pre-workout, be sure to wait 1½ to 2 hours before exercising.” Alternatively, Wiener recommends saving your healthy snacks for post-workout.

4. Cruciferous vegetables

“Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are important vegetables to include in your diet, but they can hurt you when you exercise,” says Wiener. This is because these vegetables are rich in raffinose, an indigestible carbohydrate that can trigger abdominal bloating and excess gas. Instead, the expert recommends eating spinach, lettuce and carrots before your workout.

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5. Refined sugar

“Having insufficient amounts of sugar and carbohydrates in your system before a workout can lead to lethargy and fatigue, especially while exercising,” says Wiener. “But you should pay attention to the source of the sugar and, as always, do your best to avoid refined sugar, which is found in many manufactured products.”

Instead, opt for glucose, which is found in carbohydrate-rich foods or fructose (think: fruits and vegetables), since your body uses these types of sugar much more effectively and efficiently.

6. Ready meals

Wiener claims: “Pre-workout ready meals and processed foods should be avoided in general and should be avoided altogether if you are trying to lose weight. Such ready meals contain many artificial ingredients that extend the shelf life of the product, but this also means that they are of very low nutritional value and should be avoided ahead of the workout.” It also means that it cannot provide you with enough fuel for

Alternative? “Choose meals that you cook at home, where you know exactly what you’re putting on the plate,” he says. “I recommend meal prepping for the next week so you always have something to eat and not have to make excuses for ready-made meals.”

7. Dairy Products

“Milk, cheese and yoghurt must be consumed” after that a training session. This is because the high fat content can make you feel lethargic and increases the acid content in your stomach during exercise,” shares the pro. “Consuming dairy products before a workout can also make you feel extra gassy. “Some people also find that dairy products are particularly difficult to digest, and if this is the case, consuming dairy products before exercise can lead to stomach upset and bloating.”

white cheeses

Diana Miller//Getty Images

8. Fried foods

Wiener advises: “If you’re eating fried food before exercise, you may be consuming too much saturated fat, which is difficult to digest. This can lead to you being too bloated to exercise and experiencing severe cramping when you’re not moving properly.”

He also says that fatty, fried foods can also have an emotional impact on your workout. “These types of foods will make you feel bad and affect your attitude towards your workout. Going into training with a healthy and happy stomach And It is the mind that will help you excel.”

9. Fizzy drinks

“It’s well known that sodas are nutritionally void and often contain no sugar, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that they’re a poor choice for your pre-workout beverage,” says Wiener.

“Their high sugar content and baking soda can make you feel bloated and not only lead to a sugar crash, but can also cause stomach cramps and nausea during exercise,” explains the pro. As you’ve probably heard before, you should opt for water instead. Remember that hydration is important before, during and after your workout.

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10. Spicy foods

“While spicy foods may satisfy your taste buds, they should be avoided before exercise for several reasons,” the expert warns. “First, spicy foods can cause indigestion or heartburn, which can cause you to be in pain and stop exercising. Second, spicy foods can cause increased cramping, which can again force you to stop exercising or affect the amount of effort you put in.”

If you’re looking for something effective, Wiener adds, you can always look for strong flavors like garlic, turmeric, and pepper when choosing your pre-workout fuel.

11. Avocado

“Avocados should be avoided pre-workout due to their high fat content (even though avocados are full of good, monosaturated fat). Plus, avocados are rich in fiber, and this combination takes the body longer to digest, which can ultimately result in stomach cramps,” says Wiener.

avocado on toast

Oatmeal Stories//Getty Images

So what should we eat when we are hungry before training?

“Nutrition is important when it comes to exercise. It’s important to refuel our bodies and can aid recovery,” explains personal trainer Olly Banks of Fitness First.

“Before exercise, it’s important to choose something that has both carbohydrates and protein within two hours of your workout. Carbohydrates are fuel for your working muscles, while protein helps build and repair your muscles.

“However, it is important to find a snack and time that works for you and your body.”

Some examples suggested by banks are:

● Banana or other fruit with peanut butter

● Protein bars

● Smoothies

One more reminder that it’s important to fuel up properly before hitting the gym: The foods above aren’t the best options.

As Wiener puts it: “While there are a variety of foods you should avoid before a workout, not eating anything is just as bad. You should never be hungry before a workout, as this can really impact your workout, as well.” To become strong, efficient, and achieve your fitness goals, it’s important to prepare yourself nutritionally before exercising.

“Prefer to eat at least 60-90 minutes before your workout to find the best balance between eating too early or too late.”

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