Health Benefits, Nutrition and More

By | January 24, 2024

You’ve probably heard for years that brown rice is a healthier choice than white rice. But could be black Could rice be a better option to fill your bowl? Maybe.

Also known as “forbidden rice”, this type of rice is not actually black or banned. “In ancient China, it was known as forbidden rice because it was reserved for royalty and ‘ordinary’ people were not allowed to consume it,” the Philadelphia nutritionist explains. Stacey WoodsonRD is also the author of nutrition books for children. “But today, it is more widely available and enjoyed by people all over the world.”

Although this entire grain appears black in the bag, it turns a deep purple hue when cooked (giving it its other, more accurate nickname, “purple rice”). “Black rice has been part of the Asian diet for thousands of years,” he says Natalie B AllenRD, clinical associate professor of nutrition and dietetics at Missouri State University. “The dark color comes from anthocyanins, pigments found in purple and blue foods that are often missing in the average American diet.” Like brown rice, black rice is unrefined; This means it contains all parts of the grain, including the fibre-filled bran and germ; This gives it a more nutritional advantage than white rice, which has been stripped of its healthy parts.

Nutrition facts

Serving Size: 100 grams (from Nature’s Earthly Choice brand)

  • 372 calories
  • 3.49g total fat
  • 0g saturated fat
  • 79.1g total carbohydrates
  • 4.7g dietary fiber
  • 2.33g sugar
  • 11.6g protein
  • 0mg calcium (0% DV)
  • 1.67 mg iron (9% DV)
  • 0mg vitamin C (0% DV)
  • 0IU vitamin A (0% DV)

health benefits

  • It is high in antioxidants: We often think of fruits and vegetables when it comes to foods rich in antioxidants, which are important for fighting free radicals that damage cells in the body, but whole grains It generally has higher amounts and more variety of antioxidants as well as disease-fighting antioxidants. plant compounds They are called phytochemicals. The anthocyanins in black rice not only give the grain its color: “Due to the presence of anthocyanins, black rice has a higher antioxidant content than other rice grains,” says a New York nutritionist. Melissa RifkinRD, noting that this antioxidant supplement in your diet may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
  • It is a good source of fiber: FIberian It is very important to maintain a healthy digestive system; It may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Some black rice brands contain 4.7 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams. “Black rice is nutrient-rich and higher in fiber, protein, and iron than both white rice and brown rice,” says a Chicago nutritionist Sara Chatfield,RDN. Another benefit of all that fiber: It can help you feel full. “The high protein and fiber content of black rice can help increase satiety at meals and aid weight control,” says Chatfield.
  • Improves eye health: While some red, yellow and orange foods, like carrots, are known for containing carotenoids (pigments that boost your eye health), black rice surprisingly contains them, too, especially lutein and zeaxanthin, says Allen. Numerous studies seen It turns out that these two carotenoids may help protect the macula from damage from blue light, improve visual acuity, and are linked to a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • It has a lower glycemic index than white rice: One of the disadvantages of white rice is its high glycemic index (GI), which can cause blood sugar to spike. If you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels due to type 2 diabetes or another reason, black rice is a delicious option with a lower GI. The vibrant addition of black rice to a dish is not just an aesthetic benefit: a diet of fruits and vegetables of different colors is the best way To get the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need, according to the American Heart Association.


What does black rice taste like?

“I personally like black rice,” says Chatfield, “and it’s a little chewier than other types of rice.” [with] “Nice, nutty flavor.” She recommends pairing black rice with curries and stir-fries. “As with brown rice, black rice will take a little longer to cook than white rice,” says Chatfield.

Allen prefers to prepare hers in the pressure cooker: “It’s hands-off, but you can also steam or boil it,” says Allen. “It has a nutty taste and goes well with a variety of dishes,” He adds.

Woodson recommends soaking rice before cooking: “Like many whole grains, black rice contains phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that can bind to minerals and reduce their absorption,” she says. “Soaking or fermenting rice before cooking can help alleviate this effect.”

StephanieFrey//Getty Images

Jasmine, brown and forbidden black rice.

Is black rice healthier than white rice?

When choosing between black and white, it is worth remembering how white rice is produced. Rice naturally consists of three edible parts: the bran (the outer part that gives rice its color), the germ (the inner “embryo” that can grow into a new plant), and the endosperm (the important white part inside the bran). During the milling process, rice is “refined” by removing its bran and germ. This process removes about 1/4 of a grain’s protein and 1/2 to 2/3 or more of its nutrients, according to the Whole Grains Council. But, enriched white rice will still provide some of the benefits lost during the refining process. So yes, black rice has more nutritional value, but white rice may be more soothing for an upset stomach or as a comfort food.

Can I eat black rice every day?

As with most delicious things in life, it’s all about moderation. “Black rice is high in fiber, which is generally a good thing, but don’t overdo it, as eating too much fiber too quickly can cause stomach upset or gas,” warns Allen. “While black rice is highly nutritious, it is best to rotate it with other whole grain options rather than eating it every day, providing more dietary diversity and reducing your arsenic intake. [which is found in most types of rice]”says Chatfield.

Headshot of Luisa Colón

Luisa Colón is a Brooklyn-based writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, Family Circle, USA Today, and many other print and online publications. Her debut novel, Bad Moon Rising, will be released in August 2023.

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