A Mom and RDN Share the Health Benefits of Beef

By | July 10, 2024

With so much talk about food and nutrition on social media, it can be difficult for parents to determine what’s best to feed their families. Sustainable nutrition is also a growing concern. And with plant-based diets gaining popularity, you may be tempted to skip meat in your child’s meals.

When deciding what diet is best for your child, it’s important to know the facts, says registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and mom Mariana Dineen:Lean beef “It is a nutrient-dense source of protein and provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals.” Whole cuts of beef, Beef’s unique blend of nutrientsWhen consumed in reasonable portions, it can be part of an overall balanced diet.

Beef in a delicious tacos dish
Photo Credit: Beef: What’s for Dinner

In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a three-ounce serving of cooked lean beef provides 10 essential nutrients, including high-quality protein, zinc, iron and B vitamins, in about 170 calories. No other protein source offers the same mix of nutrients. That’s a lot of nutrition in one food.

Debunking nutrition myths

Dineen notes that there is a lot of misinformation about beef being unhealthy because of its association with high-fat diets and fast food.

“Beef is often unfairly criticized for being associated with unhealthy eating patterns,” he says. “However, lean beef can be part of a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, without raising LDL cholesterol, which is a 2021 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.”

As plant-based diets grow in popularity, some parents assume that these diets will prevent childhood obesity or obesity in general. In fact, Current research suggests that switching to a plant-based diet is unlikely to affect healthy weight management.

“Beef is an extremely satiating protein that helps you feel full, reducing the likelihood of snacking or overeating due to hunger,” Dineen says.

Unique benefits of beef

Beef has a unique combination of nutrients in one food. Here are some of the benefits of beef in your children’s diet:

Beef is a high-quality protein

Beef is a high-quality protein source that provides adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids for human health, which is especially important for growing children. “A three-ounce serving of lean beef provides about 25 grams of protein, meeting half of a child’s daily protein needs,” Dineen says. This protein is essential for building and repairing muscle and tissue, and supporting overall growth and development.

Beef is nutrient dense

Beef is a nutrient-dense source of protein. Beef also contains nine other essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly. Many Americans may not be getting enough of these nutrients in their diets.

“In our house, we don’t view foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Some are more nutritious than others. I aim for a balanced diet that includes lean beef because of its nutrient density.” A healthy way to look at food is to think about its nutritional value first and foremost, Dineen says.

Beef is filling and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Lean beef is a satiating source of protein without excess calories, Dineen says.

Beef delicious foodBeef delicious food
Photo Credit: Beef: What’s for Dinner

“People often think of beef as being very high in saturated fat and calories. In fact, it contains significant amounts of monounsaturated fat, which has a less significant effect on raising cholesterol levels than saturated fat and is considered healthier.”

Plus, according to one 2022 study at the National Institutes of HealthBeef makes up only about 5% of the total calories in Americans’ diets. However, this small percentage of calories packs a significant amount of nutrients.

Delicious and nutritious beef recipes

Here are some of Dineen’s favorite healthy, kid-friendly family meals that feature beef as the main ingredient:

  • Pizza Stuffed Peppers:Peppers stuffed with lean beef, red peppers, and mozzarella cheese.
  • Pasta with Beef and Vegetables: It’s a simple but nutritious meal, with lean beef and a variety of vegetables. “This is a great way to get a lot of nutrients in one meal,” Dineen says.
  • Traditional Tacos: “I’m of Mexican descent, so this is a big family favorite for us,” Dineen says. “I use lean beef, fresh veggies, and a sprinkle of cheese.”
  • Mexican pizza: For a fun twist on traditional pizza, top pita bread with cooked ground meat and veggies.
  • Minced Meat Pita Rolls: This makes a filling and delicious main dish. Season lean ground beef to taste, add vegetables, and wrap in whole grain pita bread.

Is beef sustainable?

The short answer is yes! Cattle play an important role in sustainable agriculture. First of all, cattle have the ability to convert plants that are inedible to humans into high-quality protein.

“Around 90% of what cattle eat is feed and plant residue that humans can’t eat and would otherwise go to waste,” Dineen explains. This process is called upcycling and contributes to environmental sustainability.

Photo Credit: Beef: What’s for Dinner

Another way to increase the sustainability of your choices is to reduce the amount of food waste in your home. One-third of food in the US is wasted It accounts for approximately 22% of landfillsWhen planning your weekly recipes, consider making the most of your shopping cart by using leftover ingredients!

What’s the bottom line on beef? “It’s all about making informed choices and enjoying a variety of foods that provide good nutrition,” Dineen says. “Beef is a valuable and sustainable part of a growing family’s diet, providing essential nutrients that support growth and development in children and adolescents.”

Mariana DineenMariana Dineen
Photo courtesy of Mariana Dineen

For more information about beef and its benefits, visit: BeefItsWhatForDinner.com.

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