A side effect of the enormous NHS waiting list? Holidaymakers are in danger of losing a fortune

By | February 10, 2024

Risking the need for uninsured medical treatment while abroad can be very expensive – LordHenriVoton/E+

Do you have any pre-existing health problems? This is a question that is causing more and more trouble for holidaymakers trying to get travel insurance. A positive answer carries the risk of either a large increase in premium (or even a complete denial of cover) and may also mean that cover is excluded for any issues related to this situation.

A survey conducted last year by Which? He stated that 36 percent of the respondents had problems purchasing coverage due to such conditions and that the biggest problems were related to high premium costs. The issue is now becoming increasingly problematic due to the waiting list crisis in the NHS. This is because passengers who have not yet been treated or evaluated by a specialist are clearly considered more at risk than passengers who are reported to be all fine.

Some decide to live with the risk and forgo insurance altogether; This has the potential to be extremely expensive if they need medical treatment while abroad. A simple air ambulance repatriation from Spain to the UK can cost £20,000.

A recent survey commissioned by private healthcare company Practice Plus Group found that 20 per cent of people on the NHS waiting list are planning to holiday abroad without travel insurance this year. This compares with a more general survey called Staysure, which found 12 per cent of insurers had traveled abroad without insurance in the last three years.

The number of people affected by the NHS crisis is huge: more than 6.4 million people are currently awaiting consultant-led treatment and 1.6 million are awaiting a diagnosis. And there was a significant knock-on effect. Peter Hayman, of PJ Hayman travel insurers, which offers ‘Free Spirit’ travel insurance, says: “We have seen a new wave of guidance towards waiting lists, which are a standard exclusion in most travel policies.” He says this is clearly getting worse as more and more people appear on these lists.

Elderly travelers with pre-existing conditions could face eye-watering insurance premiumsElderly travelers with pre-existing conditions could face eye-watering insurance premiums

Elderly travelers with pre-existing conditions could face eye-watering insurance premiums – hobo_018/E+

The result of reporting serious or semi-serious health conditions is often much higher premiums. Hayman gives an example: “The premium for a trip to Europe for someone with melanoma who receives treatment but nothing else is planned after treatment could be around £130. However, if further treatment is planned, this amount can rise to over £400.” And it highlights the particular vulnerability of older travellers. Those who take long-distance journeys (e.g. cruises) due to multiple health issues will face premiums of hundreds of pounds. And tip cover to the US is pre-existing He says it has become unaffordable for many people with the condition.

In a survey last year, Which? It found that those who took out an annual travel insurance policy and declared their health in the last two years paid an average of £150; this figure is 56 per cent (£54) more than those without any condition (£96). A customer with diabetes who took part in Hangisi’s survey found that they had paid four times the fee they would have received had they not declared their condition, while a reader who contacted Telegraph Travel after her partner was recently diagnosed with diabetes also revealed this situation. £800 was quoted for annual worldwide insurance for gallstones. (He eventually found cheaper cover through his Co-Operative Bank Everyday current account, but still had to pay an additional premium of £187.)

But it’s not always as bad as you fear. Tim Riley of True Traveler insurance says a 50-year-old who travels to Thailand for a month, has high blood pressure, is on medication and hasn’t had to see a doctor recently will get just £21.83.

This is also an issue that disproportionately affects older passengers, who already face much higher basic premiums simply because of their age. Another new Which? The report revealed that people in higher groups already pay much more for insurance, even if their health is good. The average price paid by people aged 75 and over for annual policies was £300. The equivalent figure for those aged 65-74 was £182, while those aged 55-64 paid less than half that (£142).

Whatever your age, here’s our guide to finding the best travel insurance if you have a medical condition.

Get a GHIC card in case you need to access urgent or emergency healthcare in EU countriesGet a GHIC card in case you need to access urgent or emergency healthcare in EU countries

Get a GHIC card in case you need to access urgent or emergency healthcare in EU countries – ARIS MESSINIS/AFP via Getty

Tips for insuring with current conditions

1. Check with the experts

If a regular insurance company denies coverage or offers too high a premium, go for an insurance company that specializes in coverage for pre-existing health conditions. You can find directories of such companies at MoneyHelper and the Association of British Insurance Brokers. It is always beneficial to get more than one quote; Insurers’ assessments and the cost of risks can vary greatly. Here’s our guide to the best policies for older travelers in general.

2. Declare everything

All insurance companies will review your application for medical issues and it is vital that you respond honestly and in detail, including not just known conditions but any referrals awaiting diagnosis. If you don’t and have to file a claim, there’s a much higher chance of it being denied and your (possibly expensive) insurance becoming worthless. If you have a complex medical history or a terminal illness, it would be better to phone the company to discuss the situation rather than relying on the online Q&A.

Don’t be surprised if you have to answer exactly the same questions when receiving offers from different companies. They tend to use the same third-party medical screening service to review applications and conduct risk assessments. However, different insurance companies are likely to offer different premiums even for the same level of risk.

3. Buy single trip policies

If you are used to purchasing annual multi-trip insurance and you develop a condition, you may need to compromise and opt for a single-trip policy. Some insurance companies will offer single trip insurance to customers who will not offer an annual policy, so it is worth looking at prices for both types.

4. Get a GHIC card

A post-Brexit replacement for the EHIC card, the GHIC card grants its holder access to urgent or emergency healthcare (sometimes referred to as ‘medically necessary healthcare’), including visits to A&E and ‘routine’ treatment for long-term or pre-existing medical problems. is named) gives rights. Conditions when you visit EU countries, Montenegro and Australia (British passport holders have similar rights in Norway and Switzerland). It does not replace travel insurance but is free. Don’t forget to apply in time before you travel. Full details of coverage and how to apply are here.

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