Almost two-thirds of UK teenagers’ calorie intake comes from ultra-processed foods, research finds

By | July 17, 2024

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Teenagers get nearly two-thirds of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods (UTFs), according to new research from the Universities of Cambridge and Bristol.

The study found that UPF consumption was highest among adolescents from poor backgrounds, of white ethnicity, and of younger ages.

UPFs are food items produced from industrial substances and containing additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, colours, flavours and emulsifiers. UPFs vary widely, but tend to indicate lower dietary quality with higher levels of added sugar, saturated fat and sodium, along with lower fibre, protein and micronutrient content. It has been suggested as one of the key drivers of the global increase in diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Globally, availability and sales of UPFs have increased over time, and previous evidence suggests this is leading to increased consumption among adolescents. To look at trends in the UK, researchers from Cambridge and Bristol analysed data from four-day food diaries of almost 3,000 adolescents in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey between 2008/09 and 2018/19.

In a study published today European Journal of NutritionThe researchers found that on average 66% of adolescents’ energy intake during this period came from UPF consumption, but there was a slight decrease from 68% to 63% between 2008/09 and 2018/2019.

Parents’ occupation, ethnic group and region of the UK affected the proportion of calories taken in from UPFs:

  • Adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds consumed a higher proportion of their caloric intake from UPFs compared to adolescents from less disadvantaged backgrounds (63.8% compared to 68.4%).
  • Adolescents of non-white ethnicity consumed a lower proportion of their caloric intake from UPFs (67.3 percent compared with 59.0 percent).
  • Adolescents living in the north of England consumed a higher proportion of their calorie intake from UPFs compared to those living in the south of England and London (64.1% compared to 67.4%).
  • 18-year-olds consumed a lower proportion of their caloric intake from UPFs compared to 11-year-olds (65.6% compared to 63.4%).

“Adolescents’ dietary patterns and habits are influenced by many factors, including their home environment, the marketing they are exposed to and the influence of friends and peers. However, adolescence is a key time in our lives when behaviours begin to become established,” said Dr Yanaina Chavez-Ugalde, lead author of the study from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge.

“It is clear from our findings that the vast majority of adolescents’ diets consist of ultra-processed foods, and their consumption is much higher than ideal given their potential adverse health effects.”

The researchers argue that the decrease in UPF intake observed prior to the pandemic may be partly explained by increased public awareness and health concerns associated with sugar consumption, government-led campaigns, sugar taxes in other countries, and reformulation of sugary drinks to reduce sugar content.

“Ultra-processed foods offer a convenient and often cheaper solution for time- and income-constrained families, but unfortunately many of these foods also offer low nutritional value. This may be contributing to health inequalities in childhood and adolescence,” said co-senior author Dr Esther van Sluijs, from the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge.

“Our findings suggest that inequalities in the consumption of ultra-processed foods are not solely due to individual preferences. We hope this evidence will guide policymakers in designing more effective policies to combat the negative impacts of ultra-processed food consumption among young people and the ripple effects this has on public health,” added co-senior author Dr Zoi Toumpakari, from the Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences at the University of Bristol.

More information:
Chavez-Ugalde, Y et al. Ultra-processed food consumption in adolescents in England: distribution, trends and sociodemographic associations using the National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2008/09 to 2018/19. European Journal of Nutrition (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s00394-024-03458-z

Provided by University of Cambridge

Quotation: Ultra-processed foods account for almost two-thirds of UK adolescents’ calorie intake, study finds (2024, July 16) Retrieved July 17, 2024 from

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