Are you skipping fresh fruit and vegetables due to the cost of living? Frozen produce may be a cheaper, more nutritious option

By | August 31, 2024

As the cost of living crisis continues, many Australians are looking for ways to cut their spending at the supermarket.

One of the victims may be fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetable prices increased by 7.5 per cent in the 12 months to July, according to figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

If you’re looking to save some money on fresh produce, there are other options you can consider.

Opting for canned or frozen foods may be cheaper, and experts say they can be just as healthy.

Why is fresh produce more expensive?

Dietician Alice Bleathman says fresh foods are often more expensive for a number of reasons.

“Their perishability requires that they be sold and consumed quickly“This results in higher costs for storage, transport and a shorter shelf life,” Ms Bleathman told the ABC.

“The supply chain for fresh foods Availability in crop yield is less efficient due to seasonal availability, And must be handled carefully to avoid deterioration and damage.

“Plus high demand “Demand for organic foods is also leading to higher prices due to consumer preferences for ‘healthier’ options.”

However, frozen and canned products have a longer shelf life and manufacturers can control the process.

For Ash, a mother of two, buying frozen vegetables is both cost-effective and convenient.

“I’ve been living on a low income for a long time and I’ve learned that it’s better to have a bag of vegetables in the freezer than to have fresh vegetables rotting and wasting in the fridge,” Ash told the ABC.

“Because of the high cost of living, I have had to be very selective about what I buy.

“Using frozen vegetables allows me to stock up when money is tight so we don’t go hungry.”

Could frozen produce be as healthy as fresh produce, or even better?

It is often said that fresh is the most nutritious.

But this is not always the case.

Evangeline Mantzioris, director of nutrition and food science at the University of South Australia, said: Frozen foods can sometimes be better for you more than some products sold as “fresh.”

“Organic nutrients in fresh produce can degrade as it gets from the farm to your plate and even while it’s being stored in your refrigerator,” Dr. Mantzioris told ABC.

The old adage that “fresh is best” isn’t always true, says Evangeline Mantzioris. (Provided)

Let’s say you picked “fresh” oranges.

By the time the fruit is picked, transported and eaten, it may have lost some of its nutritional benefits, particularly vitamins C and B, which are susceptible to damage from heat, light and oxygen.

This is one of the factors that deters people from buying fresh produce, Ash says.

“I try to shop weekly or biweekly, but fresh produce doesn’t last more than a few days, so I’m often left with things I can’t or don’t want to use,” she says.

“In this way, frozen food becomes more economical in both the short and long term.

“There’s less food waste overall, so you don’t have to buy a whole bunch of broccoli just to use a few florets before it reaches maturity.

“However, the options available are limited compared to fresh ones, but overall I find it cheaper and easier to prepare nutritious meals for myself this way.”

Frozen at the peak of ripeness

“Generally fruits and vegetables Nutritional values ​​are preserved by freezing shortly after harvest.“Mrs Bleathman says:

“Frozen produce can retain many of its vitamins and minerals, sometimes even better than fresh produce that has been stored for several days or weeks.”

Research has shown that the nutritional values ​​of fresh foods vary from frozen foods to frozen foods.

One study found that frozen corn, blueberries, and green beans had higher levels of vitamin C than fresh ones.

A plate of green beans and red tomatoes

Frozen green beans cost $5.90 less per pound than fresh beans. (ABC Sunshine Coast: Kylie Bartholomew)

On the other hand, frozen samples of peas, carrots and spinach were lower in vitamin A, but no significant difference was seen in fresh beans between the two storage methods.

Overall, the study found that the vitamin content of frozen products was similar to fresh ones, sometimes even higher.

Minerals like calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium remain at similar levels when frozen and fresh, Dr. Mantzioris says.

What about canned foods?

Canned foods often get a bad rap, but they are a nutritious and cost-effective way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake.

The biggest disadvantage is that the canning process often requires the product to be partially cooked for preservation purposes.

“They heat fruits and vegetables to high temperatures to kill any microorganisms like bacteria and mold,” Dr. Mantzioris says.

“Therefore, some heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C, are broken down.”

A can of canned corn with the following words written on it:

When choosing between canned vegetables, choose the one with the lowest salt content. (ABC News: Dannielle Maguire)

That’s why experts recommend adding canned food towards the end of the cooking process to reduce nutrient loss.

But as with fresh and frozen foods, different nutrients in different produce spoil at different rates.

What should I pay attention to when buying canned food?

Some canned fruits and vegetables may have large amounts of sugar and salt added for preservation and flavor purposes.

So, here are three tips from our experts when shopping for canned goods:

  • Choose “no salt added” or “reduced salt” canned vegetables and beans
  • Choose canned fruit as juice instead of syrup.
  • Look for the Health Star Rating on the front of the pack – the more stars the better

They also recommend draining and rinsing canned vegetables and fruits before using them.

What about imperfect fruits and vegetables?

Australia’s two biggest supermarkets are selling produce that is edible, even if it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing.

The idea is that shoppers can save money by purchasing imperfect produce, and farmers can sell produce that would otherwise go to waste.

Defective fruit and vegetable packaging found in major supermarket comparison by CHOICE in 2024 On average, 28 percent cheaper per kilo It is cheaper than the cheapest alternative.

Meanwhile, Harris Farm Markets is offering shoppers Up to 50% savings on defective products.

Varied consumption is better than none

The most important thing, Dr. Mantzioris and Ms. Bleathman say, is to have a varied diet.

Dr Mantzioris noted that according to a study by the Bureau of Statistics, only 4 per cent of Australians consume the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables per day.

“Eat the fruits and vegetables you love, whether they are fresh, frozen or canned, as long as you can afford them,” she says.

Ms Bleathman says it is important to consume enough fruit and vegetables to reach the recommended portions.

“Eating a varied diet helps prevent nutrient deficiencies and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

“Additionally, a diverse diet supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is vital for digestion, immune function, and overall health.”


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