Calorie counting is as effective as time-restricted eating

By | April 19, 2024

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Experts say the quality of the calories you consume is the most important part of the diet. Oscar Wong/Getty Images
  • Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland report that time-restricted eating and calorie counting lead to similar weight loss results.
  • The study suggests that time-restricted eating naturally leads to a reduction of approximately 200 to 550 calories per day.
  • Experts say this eating pattern may work for some people, but the quality and quantity of what you eat is still most important.

The weight loss results of time-restricted eating are nearly identical to traditional calorie counting, according to a study published today from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. Annals of Internal Medicine.

Time-restricted nutrition is a dieting method that determines at what times of the day a person will consume daily calories. Popular fasting schedules, also known as intermittent fasting, include 16:8 (fasting for 16 hours, eating within an 8-hour window) or a 24-hour fast once a week while following a relaxed eating schedule the rest of the week.

Specific calorie counting is not usually part of time-restricted eating.

Past research and supporters of time-restricted eating have noted that this dietary pattern extends lifespan, promotes weight loss through nutritional ketosis, reduces the risk of several diseases, and improves cognition.

In their randomized controlled study, researchers examined 41 adults with obesity and prediabetes.

They randomly assigned participants to either follow a fasting program or count calories. Both groups were given the same prepared meals with specific instructions about when they should eat.

Participants assigned to time-restricted eating followed a 14:10 fasting schedule; They fasted for 14 hours and ate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. They consumed most of their calories before 1 p.m.

Participants assigned to general calorie counting ate between 8 a.m. and midnight and consumed most of their calories in the evening.

Three months later, participants in both groups were evaluated for weight loss and changes in fasting glucose levels, waist circumference, blood pressure and lipid levels.

The researchers concluded that the results between the two groups were essentially the same.

Dr., who was not involved in the study and is an obesity medicine expert at Weight Journey: Medical Weight Loss. “The study’s findings fully support my view that the health benefits of intermittent fasting come from calorie restriction alone,” said Julie Manasseh. , said Today’s Medical News.

Manasseh supports intermittent fasting as a weight-loss method, but says the benefits seen in the research are the results of weight loss, not fasting. Other experts agree with his assessment.

“It is difficult to say whether I completely agree with the conclusion of this latest study,” said Shetal Desai Rautela, a registered dietitian and owner of Diabetes & Lifestyle Care.

Rautela, who was not involved in the research, advised caution before participating in any diet or nutrition study.

“As a professional in the field of nutrition, it is extremely important to stay up to date on the latest research,” Rautela said. Today’s Medical News. “The American Heart Association (AHA) recently published the results of a study. to work “20,000 participants showed that early time-restricted feeding, the common 16:8 schedule, was directly associated with a 91 percent increased risk of cardiovascular death.”

Some experts criticized the AHA’s report. Additionally, another recent study published by the Endocrine Society in 2023 came to almost the opposite conclusion; He noted that the 16:8 fasting program improved glucose levels and cardiometabolic health.

“Overall, what’s important is what helps a person lose weight safely,” Rautela said, suggesting that those considering fasting should first have a detailed conversation with their health care provider.

“Intermittent fasting can be difficult to keep up with day to day, both physiologically and practically,” Rautela said.

“Any calorie restriction will always provide initial results for a person trying to lose weight,” Rautela said. “The higher the weight loss goal, the faster the initial weight loss will be. So is it sustainable?

“For some people, if any diet feels too challenging, restrictive, and difficult to maintain, then it’s probably not worth the effort,” Rautela cautioned, adding that it can still improve your relationship with your body’s natural hunger pangs.

“I always let my clients know that there is no quick fix to losing weight,” Rautela explained, adding that she often debunks myths about intermittent fasting.

“Intermittent fasting isn’t just about when you eat,” she explained. “How and what you eat still matters. “Even if you’re fasting, the quality and quantity of your calories are important.”

Rautela notes that there’s a big difference in processing calories from a Big Mac compared to a well-balanced meal consisting of fresh, whole foods.

Manasseh suggested three basic approaches to reducing your calorie intake: eating low-calorie foods with more fiber, eating smaller portions at meals, and eating less frequently (which includes intermittent fasting).

“You can use one, two, or all of these methods to achieve calorie restriction,” he said.

Like Rautela, Manasseh warns against overly restrictive diets.

“Highly restrictive diets, a mainstay of the diet industry, often involve complete elimination of entire food groups,” he said. “Diets like 5:2, which require people to fast for two full days a week, are unsustainable in the long term.”

Hunger cues and ideal eating patterns also vary from person to person.

“I have patients who never eat breakfast because they don’t feel hungry early in the morning,” Manasseh explained. “I advise these patients not to eat breakfast, but only lunch and dinner when they are hungry. These patients follow a fasting schedule, but it suits them because it fits the pattern of their internal hunger cues.”

“Culturally, we are constantly surrounded by food,” Rautela said, adding that following a fasting program has helped some of her clients relearn how to recognize true signs of hunger.

Rautela said she tries to embrace her clients’ enthusiasm for any nutrition or weight-loss approach.

“If they are willing to try something, it shows that they care about their health and want to explore it further,” she explained. “My job is to build their knowledge base to enable them to make the right and safe decisions with the support of their healthcare team.”

Like Rautel, Manasseh said mindlessly eating when you’re not actually hungry is a persistent problem that fasting can address.

“Emotional eating and stress eating or excessive alcohol consumption are also important factors for the majority of my patients,” Manasseh said. “This needs to be addressed.”

Manasseh and Rautela expressed the importance of helping each individual develop a nutritional approach that suits their goals, habits, lifestyle and personality.

“I start with the patient’s normal diet and help them make improvements toward reducing calories while ensuring it is sustainable in the long term,” Manasseh said. “Providing regular support and accountability through progress visits is critical to their success.”

“Over the years, I have moved away from the one-size-fits-all approach,” Rautela added. “I have seen the most weight loss success with our clients when we check in frequently to work on challenges and behaviors while determining their progress.”

Losing weight is, of course, only the first step. Protecting this comes later.

“The door is never closed when it comes to maintaining your weight loss,” Rautela said. “But that’s a completely different story.”

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