Category Archives: Science

Lack of ice is reshaping winter life around the Great Lakes

Much of the Great Lakes region, known for its freezing winter temperatures, icy lakes and snow-covered forests, appeared bare nearly all winter. Average ice cover is at all-time lows for this time of year. Snowfall continues to lag far behind normal. And long-term forecasts call for further unseasonal temperatures to rise. From January to early… Read More »

The Great Barrier Reef is again experiencing mass coral bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest reef system, “one of the richest and most complex natural ecosystems on Earth”, is once again undergoing a new transformation mass coral bleaching incident. This incident, the fifth in less than a decade, appears to be the result of heat stress following a record year for global temperatures,… Read More »

Widespread solar storm hits spacecraft near sun, Earth and even Mars

A bright mass emerges from a red circle. Space weather may seem like a story from a galaxy far, far away; But when solar storms affect us on Earth, we are directly affected. These storms northern Lights, for example. They can even cause temporary outages in our communications systems and power grid. of these sunlightwe… Read More »

Scientists found tiny microplastics in people’s arteries. Their presence was linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

People with microplastics and nanoplastics in the plaque lining a large blood vessel in their neck may be at higher risk of heart attack, stroke or death, new research suggests. The findings, published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, are the first time scientists have linked these tiny plastic particles, created as a… Read More »

How do some black holes get so big? The James Webb Space Telescope may have an answer

Often the most exciting black hole news surrounds the biggest, baddest and most violent voids we can imagine. I’m talking about supermassive black holes with masses billions of times that of the Sun; Called quasars, they eat away at the matter around them and spew out the excess so aggressively that they create patterns of… Read More »

Crash of large, dead satellite is space junk wake-up call, experts say

There’s some interesting fallout from the recent dive of the European Remote Sensing satellite, or ERS-2, to Earth. ERS-2 studied our planet for nearly 16 years after its launch in April 1995. Later in 2011 European Space Agency (ESA) decided to end the mission of the radar-carrying spacecraft. The agency commandeered a series of deorbiting… Read More »

Titanosaurs were the largest land animals Earth has ever seen; These plant-powered dinos combine reptile and mammal features

You’re probably familiar with classic sauropod dinosaurs, four-legged herbivores famous for their long necks and tails. like animals brachiosaurus, apatosaurus And Diplodocus They have been standard fixtures in science museums since the 1800s. With their small brains and huge bodies, these creatures have long been the poster children for animals doomed to extinction. But recent… Read More »

Asian American women get lung cancer even though they have never smoked. This surprises scientists and prompts further research.

It was the fall of 2021, and Aurora Lucas had a persistent cough and chest pain. However, his doctors ignored the symptoms and told him to drink hot water and honey. After three months of hospital visits, Lucas was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer at the age of 28, even though he had never… Read More »

A defense expert explains how they work and what they’re used for

Countries around the world are rapidly developing high-energy laser weapons for military missions on land, sea, air and space. Visions of swarms of small, cheap drones filling the skies or soaring over the waves motivate militaries to develop and deploy laser weapons as an alternative to costly and potentially overwhelmed missile-based defenses. Laser weapons were… Read More »

I am a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be scared too

Editor’s Note: Editor’s Note: Bill McGuire He is honorary professor of geophysics and climate hazards at University College London and author of: “Greenhouse World: A Resident’s Guide.” The opinions expressed in this comment are his own. Read more CNN’s view Here. Are you afraid of climate change? Are you worried about what kind of world… Read More »