Comic Relief in crisis as president resigns over ceasefire call in Gaza

By | November 24, 2023

A petition signed by the charity said: ‘Neighbourhoods have been destroyed by Israel and reduced to complete rubble’ – Mohammed Hajjar/AP

Comic Relief has been revealed to be in crisis after its chairman resigned over the charity’s stance on Gaza.

Eric Salama left his post after saying Comic Relief management had “taken an approach that I think is completely wrong and I cannot accept”.

The issue appears to be the aid agency’s decision to join dozens of other organizations in calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.

Comic Relief acknowledged that the issue arose from “a position taken on a public matter without prior consultation with the board or Eric as chairman”.

Eric SalamaEric Salama

Eric Salama appointed chairman of Comic Relief after glittering career at City

The move has raised questions about the management of one of Britain’s most high-profile charities. It was founded in 1985 by director and screenwriter Richard Curtis and Sir Lenny Henry in response to the famine in Ethiopia.

There are fears that corporate donors may be reluctant to engage with any organization perceived to be a party to the conflict.

The row could also threaten Comic Relief’s partnership with the BBC, which has been criticized for alleged bias in its coverage of the Gaza-Israel conflict. Calls for a ceasefire also divided the Labor Party.

Comic Relief has previously found itself embroiled in controversy over questions about the “white savior complex” in its work in African countries, but advocates say it has always worked in partnership with local organizations and people.

The Red Nose Day Appeal, which is televised annually and features a line-up of pop stars, celebrities, athletes, musicians and ordinary viewers, has raised more than £1.4bn since it was first held in 1988.

Mr Salama, who was appointed chairman in June 2020, wrote on Twitter: “I admired Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry from afar before joining and now I have even more respect, admiration and affection for two wonderful people as I get to know them.

“This whole thing has been particularly upsetting for me this past week, where I left my post early and let some people down in the process.”

He added: “But there are times in life when principles are truly more important than any job. “Last week was one of those times when the administration approached an issue that I thought was extremely wrong and that I could not accept.”

Sir Lenny HenrySir Lenny Henry

Sir Lenny Henry co-founded Comic Relief in 1985 and has appeared regularly on the BBC since 1988 – bbc/Jake Turney

In the “immediate ceasefire” petition signed by Comic Relief, demands included calls for the release of all civilian hostages, especially children and the elderly.

It also calls for humanitarian convoys to be allowed to access UN facilities, schools, hospitals and health facilities in northern Gaza, and for Israel to cancel orders for civilians to leave northern Gaza.

“We have witnessed unimaginable death and destruction in the Gaza Strip and Israel,” the petition states.

The report goes on to condemn the Israeli army for reportedly bombing civilians “as they attempt to escape or when they reach southern Gaza”: “Neighborhoods have been destroyed and reduced to complete rubble. Palestinians seeking safety have nowhere to go.”

In a statement on the Comic Relief website, he said: “Eric has decided to step down as chairman of Comic Relief, bringing forward his departure date from his previously announced retirement date of March 2024. Eric’s decision is about a stance taken on this issue. a public matter without prior consultation with the board or Eric as chairman.

Comic Relief refused to say exactly what led to Mr Salama’s resignation when asked by The Telegraph about the Gaza issue.

A spokesman for the charity told the Telegraph: “Whilst we do not comment on internal matters relating to our staff or board members, we have announced that Eric has brought forward the date of his departure.”

The charity added: “Comic Relief was established in response to the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia and we joined over 700 charities, including many of the most prominent in the UK, to sign a petition about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Israel. focused on the need to protect civilians and children on all sides of the conflict.”

Other charities that have signed the petition include Palestinian groups, as well as the Jewish Center for Nonviolence, Oxfam, the Baptist Union of Wales and human rights and environmental campaigners.

High-profile role at City

Following an illustrious career at the City, Mr Salama was appointed chairman of Comic Relief, where he became chairman of Verian Group, formerly Kantar, WPP’s consumer insights division. He was also managing director of Kantar and a non-executive director of the British Museum.

In a statement published online, Comic Relief said Mr Salama’s position would be taken over by Tom Shropshire, one of the trustees.

Following his appointment as interim chairman, Mr Shropshire said: “On behalf of the Comic Relief board and team, I would like to thank Eric for everything he has done for the charity, including guiding and helping Comic Relief through the Covid-19 pandemic .To shape our current strategy.

“We wish Eric every success in the future and look forward to his continued support in the important work carried out by Comic Relief and its partners.”

Mr. Salama has been reached for comment.

accusations of bias

Comic Relief’s broadcast partner the BBC is already facing accusations of bias in the Gaza-Israel conflict, and Mr Salama’s sudden resignation comes after the company’s staff accused him of double standards after they were told not to attend a march against anti-Semitism this weekend.

Staff working in current affairs and factual journalism who sought permission to attend the Campaign Against Antisemitism march in London were directed to impartiality rules.

According to the rules, editorial staff “must not participate in public demonstrations or meetings on controversial issues”.

Jewish staff argued that protests against racism should not be seen as a controversial or partisan issue and that the BBC should not stand in their way.

A BBC spokesman said: “The BBC is clear that anti-Semitism is an abomination. We’ve created a guide to walks for the BBC explaining that different considerations apply depending on what you’re doing.

“As an organisation, we have not published any staff communications regarding a particular walk this weekend, but that does not mean there have not been discussions among colleagues to consider the guidance.”

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