Diet and nutrition can play an important role in preventing breast cancer. – Okanagan Naturopath

By | December 8, 2023

The statistics are thought-provoking. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Canadian women, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. And yes, men can also develop breasts.

It will affect one in eight women during their lifetime. In Canada, 28,600 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. 25 percent of all new cancers are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 14 percent of all cancer deaths are caused by breast cancer. It is estimated that one in every 34 women will die from breast cancer in her lifetime.

Thanks to improved diagnosis and better treatment, the five-year survival rate for non-metastatic breast cancer is 91%. The 10-year survival rate is 84% ​​and the 15-year survival rate is 80%. While the risk of death from breast cancer was 14.4 percent in the early 1990s, this rate dropped to 4.9 percent in 2015. Early diagnosis with better treatments leads to better outcomes.

Self-examination is still recommended to detect unusual asymmetry, dimpling, or hardened lumps in the breast. In postmenopausal women between the ages of 50 and 74 with average risk factors, screening mammography is recommended every two to three years.

An ultrasound is often recommended to determine whether a spot is merely solid or cystic. Thermography, which analyzes temperature patterns in breast tissue, is a nontraditional test that is not considered a reliable diagnostic test by mainstream medicine.

Known risk factors for breast cancer include older age, family history, BRCA gene mutation, postmenopause, hormone exposure (especially exogenous estrogens), high alcohol intake, being overweight or obese, and being sedentary without physical activity. Other less well-known risk factors include early onset of menstruation, late first birth or inability to have children, late onset of menopause and not breastfeeding. Being tall slightly increases your risk of breast cancer, as does exposure to radiation and pesticides. Diet may also play an important role in the development of breast cancer. And yes, smoking is probably not good.

Some Asian countries such as Japan and Thailand, as well as African countries such as Uganda and Zimbabwe, have much fewer breast cancer cases compared to North American and European countries. Researchers believe this is partly due to genetics and healthier diet and lifestyle factors.

Reduce fats (especially saturated fats), reduce white sugar and refined foods, have less white flour and processed grains, have less dairy, have less or no alcohol, limit coffee and caffeine consumption, moderate consumption of meat and animal products A healthier diet that includes and is rich in whole grains, cereals, beans and legumes, and includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is highly recommended.

Vegetables in the cruciferous or cabbage family, including bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage and others, contain natural cancer-fighting chemicals. These vegetables are rich in compounds such as DIM or di-indole methane and I3C or indole 3 carbinol. DIM and I3C facilitate the breakdown of exogenous estrogens into less active forms that do not stimulate breast tissue. North American women generally consume less than 20 milligrams of these compounds per day from herbal sources. Asian women consume more than 100 milligrams of these compounds per day.

Foods rich in vitamin A also have anti-cancer properties. Foods rich in vitamin A include orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, yellow peppers, squash and squash. Consuming foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene may reduce your risk of cancers, including breast cancer.

Dark, green leafy vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, lettuce, spinach and kale are rich in the B vitamin folic acid. Folic acid is an important methyl donor that plays an important role in the detoxification of toxic compounds and chemicals in the body. A diet rich in folic acid foods may reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Soybeans are rich in compounds called isoflavones. One of the main isoflavones found in soy is genistein. Isolfavones, such as Genestein, interact with and block estrogen receptors in breast tissue. They also inhibit enzymes that promote tumor growth. This is similar to the mechanism of the drug Tamoxifen used to treat breast cancer.

Asian women typically consume 35 grams of soybeans per day, which is equivalent to 150 milligrams of isoflavones. North American women consume less than two grams of soy products per day, providing only four milligrams of isoflavones.

Some people argue that soy contains exogenous estrogen and should not be consumed by breast cancer patients. Most nutritionists agree that moderate consumption of soy products is not a problem in cases of breast cancer.

Diet and nutrition can be an important factor in preventing and treating breast cancer.

A healthier diet consisting of unprocessed foods, dark green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of developing the disease.

The information provided in this article does not constitute or is intended to constitute medical advice. All information is for general information purposes only.

This article was written by or on behalf of an external columnist and does not necessarily reflect Castanet’s views.

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