Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC review

By | February 1, 2024

Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

If you’re looking for a way to further elevate your PC gaming setup, a high-end audio system is a great way to do so. Get this DAC/amp from Drop and Xduoo. Not only does it deliver detailed and vibrant sound to your ears, but it also scratches the aesthetic itch thanks to four tubes that shine magnificently.

The Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amplifier/DAC is a bit of a mouthful, so let’s break down what this $349 device actually does.

First of all, it is a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This means you can connect this device to your PC and completely bypass your internal DAC on your motherboard, which will be subject to electrical interference in some way. Honestly, motherboards these days are much better in terms of sound quality, but once you pop the DAC out into its own metal case on top of the TA-84, you don’t have to worry about interference one bit. In terms of the exact DAC chip used in this device, it is the ES9018K2M, which offers plenty of bit depth/sampling rate up to 32 bit/384 kHz. That’s too much for everyday use on the desktop.

Let’s move on to the more exciting part: amplifier and pre-amp. These take your weak heart analog audio signal and give it a much-needed boost to acceptable levels. On the TA-84, the job of doing this falls to two sets of two tubes. The first set, the smaller ones, are ECC-82 pre-amplification stage tubes. Then you have the EL-84 power amplification stage tubes.

TA-84 features

Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

Entries: RCA, USB Type-C
Outputs: 6.35 mm (1/4 inch) jack, RCA (preamp)
Tubes: 2x EL-84 (power), 2x ECC-82 (front)
Output power: 44 mW (at 100 ohms), 83 mW (at 300 ohms), 93 mW (at 600 ohms)
DAC: ES9018K2M
Sampling rate: PCM 16 bit – 32 bit / 44.1 kHz – 384 kHz
Price: $349 (full price is $399, but the sale price appears to be permanent)

So why tubes? These days the tube has largely been replaced by the transistor in most audio applications. It’s been this way since the advent of the transistor radio. Going back to the tubes might seem like a big leap backwards, then. But there’s something about the tube profile that I can’t get enough of.

Note the vague terms used to describe the sound: there is a softness throughout the range when listening to a FLAC file through the TA-84. It’s a little easier than the solid state Schiit Magni/Modi combination I’m used to. Less punchy, warmer. There’s a consistently gorgeous tone to both the classical and heavier, more distorted albums I’ve listened to.

But the changes are very subtle. And I mean you Really you have to listen for small adjustments or differences. If I didn’t have a similarly priced solid-state amplifier/DAC on hand and could play the same tracks on both, I’d have a hard time pinpointing the difference between the TA-84 and the Schiit. However, more and more I found myself gravitating towards the TA-84, as there’s something about its warmer character that pairs nicely with my pair of Sennheiser HD 650s.

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Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

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Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

Drop + Xduoo TA-84 OTL Tube Amp/DAC setup on a table.

If you buy…

You have a pair of Sennheiser headphones: If you own a pair of HD 650s, HD 6XXs, or a similar headphone design, this amplifier/DAC combination is the pinnacle of audio bliss.

Do not buy if…

❌ You already have a great solid state amplifier: If you’re already using a decent amplifier and DAC for your headphone setup, you probably won’t get enough out of switching to a tube setup like this to make the extra money spent worthwhile.

This applies to games as well as music. Both systems I use sound great on Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora or Baldur’s Gate 3. Even in more competitive games there is something to be gained; The definition and clarity that this type of setup can provide, especially with high-end (depending on your headset), helps distinguish audio cues. However, to listen to music you should be most interested in high-end audio. You can find much cheaper headsets that are great for gaming, and aside from the cost of the headphone/DAC/amp, you’ll also need to splurge on your own microphone with this type of high-end setup.

This is an OTL amplifier, meaning there is no transformer on the output (OTL stands for OutputTransformerless). Drop claims to help reduce distortion, which can be a factor with tubes, but I think you can easily get into the weeds with the terminology here or by trying to compare this to other designs that may behave equally well, albeit slightly differently. The important thing is that distortion is not a significant factor in use with solid, high-impedance headphones like the Sennheiser I use.

You can crank up the volume with the HD 650s with this amplifier, and there’s a Hi/Lo gain switch on the back to turn it up another +16dB if needed. There’s a USB Type-C connection for your PC, RCA for Aux In and Pre-Out (if you’re using this as a pre-amp), and the all-important voltage switch. This allows you to switch between 110V and 220V depending on your region; so make sure you set this correctly. before you wear it. Otherwise, just connect it to your computer via USB and plug in your headphones; You are far away now.

With playback quality suitable for my high-res audio setup, you might call it a no-brainer, but the TA-84’s biggest draw is its looks. You’d have to be arrogant enough to want four hot tubes coming out of a box at the end of your desk at all times. And trust me, these give off some heat. I am, though, and the TA-84 is much more exciting to me than another metal box crashing into my desktop.

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