Everything investors need to know

By | March 20, 2024

The AI ​​boom has made Nvidia (NVDA) the third most valuable company in the world. The company’s shares are up more than 500 percent since the beginning of 2023, and it plans to keep the excitement going by showcasing its latest innovations at the GTC conference in San Jose, California, this week.

These include the powerful Blackwell architecture and GB200 GPU, the successor to the popular H100 and H200 chips, as well as updates to the CUDA software platform.

“There is no conference in the world that brings together such a large gathering of researchers from such different areas of science,” Nvidia Founder, Chairman and CEO Jensen Huang said in his opening remarks. “From climate technology to radio sciences, robotic self-driving cars and even AI trying to figure out how to use AI to robotically control MIMOS for next-generation 6G radios.”

But that’s not all the company has in store for next year. Yahoo Finance’s Daniel Howley spoke with senior executives from Nvidia’s various business segments, including automotive, enterprise, the Omniverse platform and healthcare. Here’s everything investors need to know.

Automotive (00:01:03)

On the automotive side, where Nvidia is working with automakers ranging from Mercedes-Benz (MBG.DE) and Hyundai (HYMTF) to Land Rover and BYD (BYDDY), the company is using generative AI technology in autonomous car technology.

“We’re seeing this kind of technology helping transform the things that go inside vehicles, whether it’s a car, a truck, a robotaxi, being able to have a natural conversation with your vehicle, but it’s also really helping with the development of autonomous vehicles,” Nvidia Automotive Vice President Danny Shapiro said. “Therefore, generative AI can be used to assist simulation for testing and validation of autonomous vehicles.”

Corporate (00:01:55)

Nvidia’s enterprise business, which includes AI capabilities for the cloud, will also receive major updates for next year.

“Of course, all of our next-generation hardware will either go to our enterprise customers through our OEM partners like Dell (DELL) or Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) or will be available in the cloud where businesses do their business.” Nvidia Vice President of Enterprise Computing Manuvir Das explained. “But I think the other thing is the announcement of software with NVIDIA NIM, which is a new way of bringing AI models and software together in a way that makes it really easy for enterprise companies to consume.”

Omniverse (00:02:25)

The company’s Omniverse division, which allows companies to create digital twins of real-world locations and objects to do things like build factories and understand the weather, is also receiving similar improvements.

Nvidia Omniverse said, “The next phase is actually about robotics and robots that are smart and can operate within the world around us. Omniverse is kind of our operating system for building simulations and the simulation platform that brings all the 3D worlds together.” said Rev Lebaredian, Vice President of Simulation Technology. “And OVX computers are specialized computers to run these simulations. That’s how AI and world simulation are interconnected. You can’t have truly advanced AI without simulation.”

Health (00:03:09)

Generative AI is also trying to break into Nvidia’s medical fields.

“Just like you see large language models being created, they’re taking everything from video to images to text and creating multi-modal, very, very capable applications. We’ve got a couple of companies here and we’re releasing some new technology that can make video language models,” explained Kimberly, Vice President of Nvidia Healthcare Powell. “And so the aspect of doing multimodal is going to be where we go after this first incredible influx of talent, where we’re kind of unimodal. But being able to bring in all of those multimodals is going to unlock a lot of understanding.”

Expectations for Nvidia are extremely high, and the company will need to show Wall Street that its latest products have what it takes to keep that momentum going. Yahoo Finance will be there to see it all.

video transcript


DANIEL HOWLEY: The AI ​​boom has made Nvidia the third most valuable company in the world. Share prices are up nearly 500% since the beginning of 2023, and the company hopes to continue that excitement at the GTC conference in San Jose. This includes the launch of the new Blackwell GPU architecture as well as the GB200 super chip and updates to the CUDA software.

JENSEN HUANG: No other conference in the world brings together such a large gathering of researchers from so many different fields of science. From climate technology to radio science, we are trying to figure out how to use AI to robotically control MIMOS for next-generation 6G radios, robotic self-driving cars, and even AI.

DANIEL HOWLEY: But that’s not all the company has in store for next year. Nvidia is also rolling out a number of updates for various business segments, including automotive, enterprise, the Omniverse platform, and healthcare. On the automotive side, where Nvidia is working with a variety of automakers from Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai to Land Rover and BYD, the company is using its generative AI technology in its own driverless car technology.

DANNY SHAPIRO: We see this kind of technology helping to transform the things that go inside vehicles, whether it’s a car, a truck, a robotaxi, being able to have a natural conversation with your vehicle, but it’s also really helping with the development of autonomous vehicles. Therefore, generative AI can be used to assist in simulation for testing and verification of autonomous vehicles. Imagine an automatic car and it has cameras on it that understand the environment. What we can do is have generative AI take that video feed, understand it, relay it to you in real time, and warn you that someone might run a red light.

DANIEL HOWLEY: Nvidia’s enterprise business, which includes AI capabilities for the cloud, will also receive major updates for next year.

MANÜVİR DAS: Of course, all of our next-generation hardware will go to our enterprise customers through our OEM partners like Dell or HP, or will be available in the cloud where businesses do their business. But I think the other thing is the announcement of software with NVIDIA NIM, which is a new way of bringing AI models and software together in a way that makes it really easy for enterprise companies to consume.

DANIEL HOWLEY: The company’s Omniverse division, which allows companies to create digital twins of real-world locations and objects to do things like build factories and understand the weather, is also receiving similar improvements.

Priest Lebaredian: For us to move to the next level of artificial intelligence? The next level is about robots and robots that are truly smart and can operate in the world around us. Omniverse is kind of our operating system for creating simulations and simulation platform that brings together all the 3D worlds. So you can do this. OVX computers are special computers used to run these simulations. This is how artificial intelligence and world simulation are interconnected. You can’t have truly advanced AI without simulation.

DANIEL HOWLEY: Generative AI is also trying to break into Nvidia’s medical fields.

Kimberly POWELL: Just as you see large language models being created, they’re taking everything from video to images to text and creating multi-modal, very, very capable applications. We– we have a couple of companies here and we’re rolling out some new technologies that can do video language models. And so the aspect of doing multimodal is going to be where we go after this first incredible influx of talent where we’re kind of monomodal. But being able to bring all these multimodals together will unlock a lot of understanding.

DANIEL HOWLEY: Expectations for Nvidia are extremely high, and the company will need to show Wall Street that its latest products have what it takes to keep that momentum going. And Yahoo Finance will be there to see it all.


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