Exploring the health benefits of diets from Latin America, Asia and Africa

By | June 27, 2024

It could also reveal areas of innovation for manufacturers looking to meet the growing consumer demand for global flavors and culturally relevant, healthy yet convenient foods and beverages.

“The Mediterranean diet is a well-studied cultural model of healthy eating, but research on healthy models from other cultures and cuisines is limited,” write researchers in the study led by Kelly LeBlanc, vice president of nutrition programming at the food and nutrition nonprofit Oldways. This hinders the development of evidence-based, culturally appropriate dietary guidance that could help address health disparities across demographics.

Nutritionists intuitively understand that different cultures and cuisines have beneficial components, and they want to show respect and honor their clients’ cultural traditions by offering guidance from these different perspectives, he told FoodNavigator-USA, but there is currently no common language or sufficient evidence-based research on different cultural diets, such as the Mediterranean diet.

Creating a common language and basic framework around different heritage diets can help researchers systematically and scientifically document and measure their health effects, as well as create evidence-based recommendations that celebrate the cuisines and their benefits, he added.

In examining diets of Latin American, Asian, and African origins as cultural models of healthy eating, LeBlanc emphasized that the researchers were “not pitting one diet or one group against another” and “not saying you should eat a certain way because of your build, culture, or ethnicity.”

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