Fashion Scholarship Fund Summer Series Highlights Industry Leaders

By | August 8, 2024

The Fashion Scholarship Fund has long been a cornerstone for aspiring fashion talent, providing a diverse student body with a platform to break into the industry. The 2024 FSF Summer Scholarship Series furthers this mission by offering a 10-week virtual program filled with industry insights and career guidance.

The series consisted of two key elements: masterclasses and workforce preparation courses. The former provided a platform for academics, applicants and graduates to engage with industry experts on current challenges, while the latter delved deeper into the nuances of business strategy, design, marketing and marketing.

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In a world still adjusting to post-pandemic realities, FSF harnessed the power of virtual engagement to bring together young academics and graduates with the best in fashion across a range of disciplines, including business strategy, design, product development, marketing and marketing. Tiffany & Co., Neiman Marcus Group, Fendi, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton and WHP came together to enrich participants’ learning journeys and offer insights into industry challenges and career-building strategies.

Peter Arnold, executive director of the Fashion Scholarship Fund, reflected on the series’ inception and continued relevance. “The Summer Scholar Series was born out of necessity during the height of the pandemic in 2020. It brings great pride and satisfaction that it has become a staple of learning and connection within our community,” Arnold said. “We are grateful to our generous speakers and moderators who continue to illuminate the path for our scholars with their invaluable insights.”

The 2024 edition of the SSS is enhanced by the shared experiences and thoughts of industry leaders with diverse backgrounds and inspiring achievements. Some highlights:

Advocacy, Passion and Being True to Yourself

In the “Black in Fashion” session, which featured pioneering fashion model and activist Bethann Hardison and WWD archives editor Tonya Blazio-Licorish, the duo discussed the role of self-awareness, passion, and advocacy.

“This business is evolving, and this is a great part of it,” Blazio-Licorish said. “A big part of my journey was choice, it was strategic, ‘Where am I most passionate about? How can I bring that passion?’ I went from design to where I am today, but I bring all that knowledge here, which helps me be a better researcher and allows me to be more educated and share that knowledge.”

When asked what designers can consider when paying tribute to Black designers of the past, Hardison was blunt. “You’re not a Black designer, you’re a designer,” he said. “And what you want to do is compete with everyone else out there. It could be from any country, any background. That’s the most important thing. Bring everything you have to the table, because it’s a competitive business.”

Hardison also shared his insights into how intentions change over time. “I think sometimes people [the industry] “As activists you try to change something… but then you become an advocate for the situation because you don’t always have to be active in it,” he said.

Strengthening with Experience and Endurance

New York designer Maria Cornejo offered candid insights into trusting your gut in an industry often overwhelmed by glamour. Cornejo said it’s crucial to stay grounded and true to yourself amid the glitz and glamour of the industry, and stressed the value of building a supportive community that evolves organically.

When asked to give advice to young talent on how to overcome adversity, Cornejo’s answer was heartfelt. “To be honest, there were many times when I wanted to give up,” he said. “You have to remember what you’re getting into [fashion] for. Not everyone is going to have this contract client business and it’s more about how you conduct yourself in a very competitive business. It’s always about the newest, the youngest, the latest, the loudest. The only way you can compete is [own] “Creativity and humility.”

New York-based designer Daniella Kallmeyer shared lessons on the importance of perseverance and mentorship, noting that early career mentors can change as people evolve. Peers can also be mentors and help expand one’s horizons.

Kallmeyer offered advice to recent graduates trying to navigate the current landscape. “Get in wherever you can,” Kallmeyer said. “Figure out what you love, because if you’re really interested in a brand or a certain type of business, just get in wherever you can and be around it.”

Kallmeyer urged attendees to find an internship or apprenticeship. “Not only did I learn a lot about the industry, but I also had a window into a lot of different departments and resources,” Kallmeyer said. “Keep a little black book of contacts and people you come into contact with. Intern, learn, be humble, but don’t isolate yourself from the industry. Educational experience is very important.”

Celebrating Creativity and Originality

Designers Christopher John Rogers and Colm Dillane discussed the creative process and how they approach it. Rogers emphasised the importance of a broad perspective in design, noting that designers create worlds, not just clothes, and encouraged candidates to draw inspiration from a variety of sources. Known for entering fashion through an unconventional route, Dillane reflected on the accessibility and democratic nature of fashion.

“I was always really good at drawing and I was always an arty kid, but I wasn’t always fashion-oriented,” Dillane said of his early career journey. “I started making T-shirts that I would draw on and spray paint, and [introduced] “It connected me to all these different people. It was a great connector. I realized that fashion is the art form with the lowest barrier to entry: everyone wears it, it doesn’t have to be crazy expensive, and it’s pretty easy to get into — you just need a T-shirt, a spray can, a stencil, and a Gildan T-shirt — and the whole world opened up to me.”

Rogers said adopting a good research process is key. “One of my formative professors at SCAD asked us to create a mood board and said, ‘I don’t want to see any runway references. I don’t want to see any fashion references unless they’re archival, and I also want you to think about where this person lives. What does he eat? Where does he travel? What art references does he obsess over?’ And that really helped me expand my view of how we’re building a world,” Rogers said. “Even something as boring as a bench on the street can be a reference.”

Moving Ahead with Determination and Vision in Industry Dynamics

Stylist Jason Bolden emphasized the importance of vision and voice in carving out a niche in fashion. Bolden shared his approach to overcoming early career hurdles through better planning and self-awareness.

“Everyone is born with that drive and ambition, but it takes a few people in your life to continue to ignite it and elevate it,” Bolden said. “I was very fortunate; growing up, I had constant igniters who did that for me: my grandmother, my mother, and my godparents. I also had wonderful relationships and friends who became my family who supported that.”

When asked what advice she would give to her younger self, she said, “It’s going to be okay. Don’t rush it. Everything you want is worth the wait. Sometimes I tell everyone in my office to take a break and come back. Sometimes you need a friend, sometimes you need yourself. You have to pull yourself together and bring it back.”

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