Foods Before GI Flares or Colonoscopy

By | December 25, 2023

While a high-fiber diet is generally recommended for most people, there are some situations where a low-fiber diet may be necessary.

Before having a colonoscopy, a diet lower in fiber may be tried for diverticulitis, during a flare-up of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis), for constipation, or other conditions. The recommendation is usually temporary until the procedure is finished or the condition improves.

This article will discuss long- and short-term conditions under which a low-fiber diet may be recommended.

Photo composite by Amelia Manley for Verywell Health; Getty Images

Low Fiber Food List and Diet Guidance

Fiber is found in plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables). It is not digested by the body. It works to add bulk to stool and move it easily through the intestines. A diet higher in fiber is generally recommended for most people. However, under certain circumstances, low-fiber foods may be necessary, usually for a limited time.


How long you should stay on a low-fiber diet will depend on why it’s recommended. The health institution recommending the diet should give some instructions.

In some cases, high-fiber foods will be gradually reintroduced into the diet. If symptoms return or new symptoms begin (such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation), it may be necessary to slow down adding fiber.

what to eat

Compatible Foods

  • applesauce

  • Banana

  • Canned potatoes, carrots, green beans and peaches

  • Cereal, bread, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, bagels and crackers made from refined wheat or rye flour

  • Creamy peanut butter and other nut butters

  • Dairy products when tolerated, such as plain yogurt, milk, ice cream and cheese

  • Eggs

  • Fruit and vegetable juices (without pulp)

  • Meats such as fish and poultry, ham, bacon, shellfish, and deli meats

  • Melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)

  • bean curd

  • White rice and pasta

Unsuitable Foods

  • Baked beans including lima, peas, and lentils

  • Bran

  • Brown and wild rice

  • Lots of peanut butter

  • coconut

  • Cornbread and cornmeal

  • Dessert made from a mixture of grains

  • meat with cartilage

  • Nuts, seeds and dried fruits

  • Popcorn and potato chips

  • quinoa

  • Wheat seed

  • whole grains

Limiting Fiber Throughout the Day

It can be difficult to understand which foods contain lower amounts of fiber. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Reading nutrition labels can help.

For a low-fiber diet, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center recommends choosing foods that contain less than 2 grams (g) of fiber per serving and consuming less than 3 g of fiber per meal. They also recommend trying to eat less than 10 grams of fiber per day.

Cooking Tips

Foods such as meat and vegetables should be well cooked and tender. A variety of cooking methods can be used to ensure that food is well cooked, including baking, braising, microwaving, boiling, boiling, steaming and stewing.


It can be difficult to meet nutritional needs when eating a low-fiber diet. Getting enough vitamins and minerals can be difficult. Every person has unique nutritional needs.

If this diet will be followed for more than a few days, it may be helpful to work with a dietitian to learn how to modify an eating plan or whether any vitamin supplements are needed.

Fiber works to make stool bulkier and help it move smoothly through the intestines. Without enough fiber, there may be changes in bowel habits (such as diarrhea or constipation). Drinking more fluids, especially water, may be recommended when cutting fiber.

Benefits of Eating Low Fiber Diet Foods

The reasons for needing a low-fiber diet and how it benefits you will differ depending on the situation.

Colonoscopy Preparation

The goal of colonoscopy preparation is to remove all stool from the large intestine. This is so that a healthcare professional can see inside the colon during the procedure and take a biopsy (tissue samples to be analyzed in a laboratory) without any fecal material.

A low- or lower-fiber diet may be recommended starting anywhere from one week to three days before the colonoscopy. A healthcare professional will give detailed instructions on how to eat and prepare for the test.

One study showed that people followed a low-fiber diet before a colonoscopy and frequently ate high-fiber foods. Vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber, were the most frequently consumed high-fiber foods among study participants.


In most cases, people living with constipation can be told to eat more fibre. This recommendation depends on the cause of constipation, such as not drinking enough fluids or not eating high-fiber foods.

But it’s also possible to consume too much fiber, which can cause digestive symptoms such as bloating and constipation. For people who are already on a high-fiber diet and are constipated, adding more fiber may not be the solution. Some people may find this through trial and error.

For constipation associated with a high-fiber diet, a healthcare professional may recommend reducing fiber intake for a period of time.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The connection between IBS and diet is complex. Foods that affect people with IBS vary from person to person.

In general, consuming more fiber is recommended for people with IBS. However, sometimes a healthcare professional may recommend a lower-fiber diet to deal with symptoms such as bloating.

A diet low in FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) may be recommended. Foods high in FODMAP are avoided on this diet.

FODMAPs are not always abundant in high-fiber foods and deficient in low-fiber foods, but some high-fiber foods are also high in FODMAPs. It can be difficult to include enough fiber and also avoid foods containing FODMAPs, which can cause further symptoms. A healthcare professional can advise you on how to follow a low-FODMAP eating plan while also getting adequate fiber.


For inactive IBD, meaning there are no symptoms and/or inflammation in the digestive tract, a high-fiber diet or a plant-based diet may be recommended. The goal will be to reduce the amount of foods in a typical Western diet, such as foods that are highly processed and low in fiber.

When inflammation increases during a flare, a lower fiber diet may be recommended. Once inflammation is better controlled, people with IBD are recommended to add more fiber to their diet.

Adding more fiber can be difficult, so it is recommended that people work with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance.

diverticular disease

Bags called diverticulum This form in the colon is a symptom of diverticular disease. People with this condition are often advised to eat a fiber-rich diet.

Most of the time, these bumps do not cause a problem, but they can become inflamed and cause symptoms, leading to a condition called pus. diverticulitis. In the case of diverticulitis, a low-fiber diet may be recommended for several days as part of the treatment.

Reintroducing fiber to the diet after an episode of diverticulitis occurs gradually as tolerated. The goal will be to return over time to a regular diet aimed at minimizing abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Intestinal Stenosis

A narrowing (stenosis) in the small or large intestine caused by scar tissue or inflammation can cause a blockage. For people sensitive to stenosis, fibrous foods may cause symptoms such as pain, so a lower fiber diet may be recommended.

Changing the particle size of some fiber-containing foods may also help. You can do this by blending them (in a smoothie, for example) or by cooking them thoroughly.


In this case, the stomach and intestines do not work well enough to move food. A low-fiber diet may be recommended for short-term or long-term use. gastroparesis requires special treatment. A team of healthcare providers will provide support and guidance on the nutrition plan.

Before or After Surgery

In the days before and after digestive surgery, your healthcare provider may recommend a low-fiber diet to prevent stool formation before surgery and to allow the digestive system to heal more quickly afterward. Your provider will discuss your need for a low-fiber diet before the procedure.

Low Residue Diet

A low residue diet is not the same as a low fiber diet. They are similar in that both diets limit fiber. However, a low-residue diet also excludes foods that may have a laxative effect, helping you empty your bowels. This may include prunes and prune juice, and foods and drinks that contain caffeine.

It is important to work with a healthcare professional to help you avoid foods that are not allowed on a low-residue diet.

Low Fiber Issues and Dietary Restrictions

Meal plans can be complicated. They need to take into account not only health conditions, but also personal tastes and cultural practices around food.

It’s not always easy to understand what is and is not allowed on a low-fiber diet. Your treatment providers will be the best source of information regarding your needs for a low-fiber diet.

People who need a low-fiber diet long-term may want to research patient groups that can help provide recipes or dietary recommendations. It’s also important to check in with healthcare professionals regularly to monitor any vitamin deficiencies or whether it’s safe to reintroduce high-fiber foods.

Low Fiber and Carnivore Diet Comparison

The carnivore diet focuses on eliminating fruits and vegetables and consuming more foods that are high in protein, usually from animal sources. The goal is different from a low-fiber diet.

The carnivore diet may be low in fiber because many sources of dietary fiber are not allowed. Some fruits and vegetables that are easier to digest and contain lower amounts of fiber are allowed on a low-fiber diet.

Long-Term Effects of a Low Fiber Diet

A low-fiber diet is not recommended long-term for most people. Most adults in the United States do not get the recommended amount of fiber in their diets. A diet high in fiber further supports overall health.

Eating a higher fiber diet is associated with:

  • A more balanced gut microbiome (the balance of microbes living in the gut)
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced risk of constipation
  • Reduced risk of some types of cancer, including colon cancer
  • Maintaining a healthy weight


A low-fiber diet is recommended to treat certain conditions or before a test or procedure. There are situations when a low-fiber diet may be recommended for long-term use by a healthcare provider. However, in many cases, it is important to increase the amount of fiber in the diet to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals are being consumed.

Additionally, eating a fiber-rich diet may reduce the risk of developing other conditions. It is important to work with a healthcare professional to understand fiber needs and when and how to reduce or increase fiber intake, especially if a low-fiber diet is needed long-term.

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