Here’s What Maggie Q Eats in a Day and What Nutritionists Think About It.

By | April 4, 2024

From meditation and gua sha to walking her dogs and growing her own food, Maggie Q’s passion for holistic wellness is no secret.

Divergent The star has been quite open about her diet and fitness on social media.

In an exclusive Q&A, I had the opportunity to ask Q how he fuels his body for sustained energy in the midst of an action-packed schedule.

Fortunately, protégé The actor’s approach to food is refreshingly balanced, unlike the restrictive, extreme and sometimes downright weird diets of many celebrities.

However, since everyone’s nutritional needs, metabolism, genetics and lifestyle are different, it is important to consult a nutritionist before trying a new diet. So much so that even identical twins process the same food differently.

That said, we could probably all take inspiration from Q’s eating habits.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what’s on his plate:


“I am a very light eater in the morning. “I mostly drink liquids,” says the 44-year-old actor and founder of ActivatedYou.

For almost 20 years, Q has been starting every morning with freshly squeezed green vegetable juice, followed by a cup of tea or coffee.

“Choosing a lighter meal can prevent the sluggishness that comes with heavier breakfast options, thus improving your overall productivity and well-being,” says nutritionist and health coach Yasmeen Alsumait.

California-based registered dietitian Nicole Ibarra recommends including protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats for a more well-rounded breakfast.

before lunch

Q takes probiotics with a liter of water before lunch.

Probiotics help replenish good bacteria and keep bad bacteria under control. Functional medicine doctor Dr. Amy Myers says this restores balance to the gut and keeps it functioning properly. New York Times bestselling author Autoimmune Solution.

Almost 80% of immune cells are found in the intestine. Additionally, around 95% of your body’s supply of serotonin, the ‘happiness hormones’, is produced in your intestines.

If your gut microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to a host of health problems, including autoimmunity, depression, anxiety, and leaky gut, explains Dr. Myers.

“Taking a probiotic every day can help keep your microbiome balanced, which supports optimal digestion and immunity, both of which are crucial for your health and well-being,” she adds.

However, finding the right type of probiotic is very important. Dr. Myers recommends talking to your doctor first to determine what works best for you.


“I like big lunches,” says Q, who believes eating your largest meal in the middle of the day can help beat the afternoon slump.

Eating your largest meal at lunch has a strategic advantage, Alsumait says, because it aligns with your body’s natural peak in metabolic and digestive efficiency, which occurs around midday.

If you exercise before dinner, Ibarra recommends eating your lunch 3-4 hours before exercise to optimize your performance.

snack time

Q’s snacks include whole fruits, nuts, and smoothies.

“I don’t eat bars, crackers, store-bought bread, or any snack that comes in a package,” she says.

But that doesn’t mean Q won’t indulge occasionally. “There’s no doubt that pizza is my favorite. “I also love French fries,” he shares.

Research shows that leaving some leeway to indulge occasionally is a healthier, more sustainable approach to eating than avoiding your favorite foods altogether.

However, moderation is very important.

It is well known that high intake of processed and ultraprocessed foods is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Avery Zenker, registered dietitian with Everflex Fitness, says many people don’t know how it affects us psychologically.

In the short term, it can cause brain fog, fatigue, and mood swings.

Zenker explains that over the long term, diets high in ultra-processed foods can increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

What’s more, ultra-processed foods are often overly palatable, which can disrupt hunger signals and leave the brain wanting more. “By prioritizing whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, individuals can better regulate their appetites and support overall health,” the nutritionist adds.

Evening meal

“Dinner is usually pretty light, mostly protein and veggies,” Q shares.

“Since your body is not tasked with extensive digestion throughout the night, a lighter dinner may contribute to improved sleep quality,” says Alsumait.

On Maggie Q’s diet philosophy

“When I was young, I believed that one type of diet was right for everyone. ‘Healthy’ was under a small umbrella of choices,” says Q. “As I matured and did more research about our biological makeup and how different we all are, I realized there is no such thing,” he adds.

“I listen to my body and direct it in the direction that feels good and give it what it wants,” the Hawaiian actor says.

Certified holistic nutritionist Jamie Maitland recommends mindful eating for those who want to tune in to their body’s hunger signals.

Simply put, it’s about activating all your physical and emotional senses when eating or drinking. It also involves paying nonjudgmental attention to your food choices and your body’s response to them.

Remembering what you ate is a good starting point. “If you can remember and write down every bite you eat in a day, then you can begin to identify specific eating habits that you may need to address,” explains Maitland.

You can learn more about mindful eating habits here.

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