Modeling sustainable plant-based healthy eating for dietary transition in the United States.

By | November 30, 2023

In a recently published study Npj Vaccines Daily, researchers offered interesting perspectives on sustainable nutritional modeling and formulation in the transition from animal to plant-based nutrition (PBD).

To work: Modeling sustainable healthy eating for the transition to plant-based diets in the United States.. Image Credit: RONEDIA/


There are several different definitions of PBDs based on social, cultural, and agricultural influences across geographic regions.

In this study, the authors followed the definition of PBD outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO), which includes fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds in unprocessed or minimally processed forms in PBDs.

PBDs have several benefits, such as reducing adverse environmental impacts and reducing the risks of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer and type 2 diabetes. PBDs are gaining popularity due to their benefits to human health and the environment.

About the study

In this study, researchers used the Food4HealthyLife calculation tool to develop three dietary patterns labeled M1, M2, and M3 containing 24 composite dietary scenarios (S); where M1 targeted the replacement of red meat and M2 targeted the replacement of red and white meat. and M3 targeted replacing red, white and processed meat.

They used the Health Nutrition Index (HENI) and Food Compass scoring (FCS) systems to profile the nutritional quality of all diets evaluated, and midpoint impact values ​​for foods listed in the What We Eat in America database to obtain estimates of 18 environmental impact indicators. Including global warming, water use and mineral resources.

Specifically, they adopted the 46 attributes and seven domains of the slightly modified FCS method and treated red meats and processed meats as separate attributes.

The final Food Compass Score was the sum of the average domain score and the food ingredients domain scores. The HENI tool assessed the impact of diets on health using disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).

In the dietary patterns provided by the Food4HealthyLife calculator, the “current diet” was the default diet that people adopted but negatively impacted life expectancy; The “optimal diet” referred to a hypothetical diet pattern that increased life expectancy but was not possible in real life. and the “feasible diet” was a midpoint between these two diets.

In addition, the researchers created seven additional dietary scenarios using arithmetic mathematical equations developed by the authors, resulting in ten hypothetical dietary scenarios for each dietary consumption pattern.

The authors used these equations to calculate appropriate weights of targeted food groups in each alternative diet scenario, partially replacing meat with legumes in each scenario.

These dietary consumption patterns included 14 different food groups, each represented by a specific type of food selected based on its availability and popularity.

They used the USDA Food Availability and Consumption Database as a reference to identify the most commonly consumed foods. This database has long tracked trends in food consumption in the United States and informs policy decisions regarding nutrition and public health.

The total weight of each diet scenario was 1.8 kg. However, notably, none of the study’s modeling scenarios affected cooking and storage losses.

Evaluating the nutritional quality of different model diets involved determining the nutrient content per 100 calories of the model diets using an online dietary analysis system called FoodStruct, and the second step involved using a scoring system called Food Compass Scoring to rate each model diet.

Additionally, the researchers used FoodStruct’s Diet Analysis menu to analyze the amounts of ingredients in each dietary scenario, including macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and fiber) and micronutrients (nine minerals and 12 vitamins).

They also estimated the content of specific lipids such as cholesterol, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), alpha-linolenic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Additionally, the team performed nutritional-environmental balance analyzes using dual-scale data charts and HENI and Food Compass scores, global warming, ionizing radiation, and freshwater eutrophication to determine the optimal combined nutritional scenario.

Finally, the researchers performed a Pearson correlation analysis to evaluate the relationship between the dietary scenarios’ calories, nutritional quality indicators, and environmental impact indicators.

They ranked the diets using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test, which uses HENI scores, FCS, and total human health damage.


First, the results showed that nonlinear variation in nutritional, environmental, and health benefits emerged as the percentage of meat products substituted with plant-based foods increased in the model mixed diets, indicating varying effects of certain variables.

Six of the seven domains used in the Food Compass nutrient profile contributed to the resulting FCS scores. On average, certain lipids contributed the least, while vitamins contributed the most (0.051% and 31.41%).

Other areas that contributed significantly were nutrient ratio, minerals, food ingredients, protein and fibre, with donations of 27.36%, 10.99%, 23.19% and 6.99% respectively.

The study compared different dietary scenarios and found that the recommended regular mixed diet should consist of 10% legumes, 0.11% red meat, 2.81% white meat and 0.28% processed meat. It is estimated to offset approximately 55% of global warming impacts.

In addition, the diet quality score in the FCS system is 74.13, which shows that this diet is relatively healthy and balanced.

Additionally, the recommended mixed diet potentially restored approximately 169.21 min DALYs.


The study data provide an interesting prediction of the benefits of shifting to an optimal and sustainable plant- and animal-based diet.

This type of dietary transition requires a more comprehensive approach that involves modeling the replacement of animal-based foods with plant-based alternatives in ways that maximize nutritional and health benefits while minimizing environmental impact.

In this dietary shift, increasing the proportion of plant-based foods may not necessarily reduce the environmental and health harms caused by current food systems. Other factors such as quantity, type, characteristics and food sources also need to be considered.

More importantly, if not properly monitored and optimized, a so-called sustainable shift towards a plant-based diet can unintentionally lead to negative consequences.

Journal reference:

  • Aidoo, R., Abe-Inge, V., Kwofie, EM, Baum, JI and Kubow, S. (2023) Modeling sustainable healthy eating for the transition to plant-based diets in the United States, Nature., do it:

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