Protest organized by Tommy Robinson and counter-protest to be held in London

By | June 1, 2024

Thousands of police will be on duty in central London on Saturday for the protest and counter-protest organized by Tommy Robinson.

The Metropolitan Police said groups linked to football disorder from across the UK were expected to attend the event organized by Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

The protest will start from regional Victoria at around 1pm and end in Parliament Square, where speeches will be given and a film will be shown.

Conditions were imposed under the Public Order Act requiring everyone attending to meet in an agreed area, follow the previously agreed route and remain in Parliament Square for the next meeting. Police said conditions were in place to prevent serious disruption or serious disorder.

Mr Robinson posted a video on X in which he urged people to join the march and said it would be “massive”.

A static counter-protest organized by Stand Up To Racism will take place in Whitehall from midday.

Conditions were imposed requiring those taking part in the protest to remain in Whitehall, i.e. the allocated area opposite Downing Street, adjacent to Richmond Terrace.

He posted on the Stand Against Racism website stating that they would “stand together against attempts to divide us.”

The Met Police said a “significant number” of officers would be deployed to ensure those in Parliament Square and those in Whitehall did not congregate.

The force said more than 2,000 police officers would be on duty on Saturday and would monitor protests as well as the Champions League Final at Wembley and associated fan events.

The Champions League Final between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid will start at 20.00 at Wembley.

The UEFA Champions League Festival, held at five locations in central London including Trafalgar Square, started on Thursday and will continue until Sunday. It will be open in Trafalgar Square between 11.00 and 17.00 on Saturday.

T/Commander Louise Puddefoot said: “Officers have been in talks with the organizers of both protests in recent weeks. Our priority is to ensure that those exercising their legal right to protest, both during the main march and as part of the counter-protest, can do so safely.

A protest area was created for the protest organized by Tommy Robinson.

Protest area set up for protest organized by Tommy Robinson (Metropolitan Police/PA)

“The police will police these demonstrations, as they always do, without any fear or favor; will keep participants and the wider public safe and will respond decisively to any attempts to cause criminal offenses and serious disorder.

“Whilst we are grateful to the main organizer of the protest for making statements publicly discouraging violence on Saturday, we have concerns about the numbers believed to have been attended by those linked to football disorder.

“When these groups have come together in previous protests, we have unfortunately witnessed violence against police officers. This precedent inevitably plays a role in shaping the approach to policing, including the number and nature of resources allocated to policing at this particular protest.

“We also understand why concern goes beyond the potential for officers to be targeted. For some in London, particularly our Muslim communities, the comments made by those involved in this incident will also cause fear and uncertainty.

The route of the protest organized by Tommy Robinson.The route of the protest organized by Tommy Robinson.

Route of protest organized by Tommy Robinson (Metropolitan Police/PA)

“All Londoners have the right to feel safe and be safe in their city and we will take a zero-tolerance approach to any racially or religiously motivated hate crime that we become aware of.”

A third protest, possibly smaller in size and unrelated to the above events, is expected to take place in central London on Saturday afternoon.

The Met Police said organizers Youth Demand had threatened to take action to protest the ongoing conflict in Gaza and intended to occupy roads and bridges.

There has also been limited online publicity for a possible protest march in the Finchley area and against the conflict in Gaza.

Counter protest area. Counter protest area.

Counter protest area (Metropolitan Police/PA)

The police imposed conditions under the Public Order Act; so if protesters do gather, it will be limited to a static demonstration, which must be held in a location away from places that would cause obvious fear and anxiety to Jewish residents, but that is valid. Power is still important to protest organizers, he added.

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