Rory McIlroy blames rivals’ greed for dragging amateur golf into ball-buying schemes

By | December 3, 2023

McIlroy backs long-supported moves to reduce distance traveled by golf ball – Getty Images/David Cannon

Rory McIlroy has told his fellow pros and equipment manufacturers that their greed is the reason the entire game is affected by an upcoming rule change that will make almost all popular balls illegal.

Sources confirmed that R&D and the US Golf Association will announce radical measures to curb the distance movement of balls; but not just for elite players as originally intended.

Initially, governing bodies attempted to apply regulations only to tournament play for professionals and top-level amateurs. But harsh reactions from the sport’s big names, the PGA Tour and PGA of America, and inevitably from within the equipment industry, forced R&D and the USGA to undergo a major overhaul.

The new ball will travel 15 to 20 yards shorter when thrown by big hitters, but for weekend hitters the reduction will be proportionately less; McIlroy was keen to emphasize that when he passionately defended the renewal on social media on Sunday morning. .

“I don’t understand the outrage about the golf ball rolling back,” McIlroy shared on X. “This will make no difference to the average golfer and will get golf back on the path to sustainability. It will also help bring back some of the skills that have been eliminated from the professional game over the last two decades.”

But McIlroy recognizes there will be recreational players upset about having to change their deals, even though they likely have until the end of the decade to make that change.

“Those who are upset about this decision should be angry at the elite professionals and club/ball manufacturers, not the governing bodies, because they did not want a ‘bifurcation’ [the game being split into two parts]” wrote McIlroy.

“The governing bodies presented us with this option earlier this year. Elite professionals and ball manufacturers think that a fork will negatively impact their profitability, when in reality the game has already been forked.

“Do you think we’re stealing what you’ve done? They’re pressuring the governing bodies to roll back to a lower level for everyone. Forking was a logical answer for everyone, but money talks again in this game.”

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McIlroy isn’t the only superstar in R&D and the USGA’s corner. 18-time major winner Jack Nicklaus has long called for a “shorter ball” and Tiger Woods on Saturday underlined his belated support for the move.

The garlanded couple, both course designers, argued that classic courses were in danger of becoming obsolete as modern pros routinely launch drives of 350 yards or more, in some cases reducing the test to a drive, pitch and putt.

Longer courses are required, which not only results in layouts sometimes stretching beyond recognition, but also increases maintenance costs due to the need for extra water and chemicals, fueling environmental concerns. The competition of the rounds also lasts longer.

“We don’t have enough property anymore,” Woods said at his comeback event in the Bahamas. “We were hitting it with a hammer [fact that the ball] It needs to slow down, but it has continued to accelerate my entire career and here we are… I’m always in favor of forking. I’ve always said this. Just like wooden bats and metal bats [in baseball].”

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The support of these heavyweights has undoubtedly galvanized the ruling bodies, but majority opinion in the dressing rooms remains strongly opposed to the reported proposals to bring the game into the professional game in 2028.

“It’s monstrous that the amateur world is hitting the ball shorter,” world No. 15 Keegan Bradley said on Saturday. “I can’t think of anything more stupid than this. I don’t think it’s smart at all, especially as golf’s popularity has increased due to Covid.”

The Tour had hoped the powers that be would make a U-turn after all the disagreements during the consultation period, but an interview with R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers last week quickly suggested there would be no drop-off. cards.

“Without a doubt, the ball is moving further than it did 15 years ago,” Slumbers told Golf Digest. “And I see no reason to doubt that this will not continue. I have been of this opinion for a long time. And for a long time I had to keep it secret. But when we published our mileage report at the beginning of this process, I was very clear that we needed to address this issue for the good of the game.

“We were very open, as was CEO Mike Whan at the USGA. There are only three options: We can split into forks; you change the whole game; or you do nothing. And doing nothing is not an option. “We stand behind this.”

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