Sciences deliver an “Internet of the Ocean” with sensors and automated tools capable of exploring deep marinas and spying on vital constants

By | May 29, 2024

Because of so much distortion of the ocean’s surface, we are lost in a twilight zone full of migratory baleen and animals, and even algae and zooplankton. It is an epitome of the ocean’s carbon bomb, part of the ocean’s natural processes that capture all the carbon dioxide produced by humans and persists for years in the best marinas.

You can make the most of this process to prevent the ocean from sequestering more carbon in the atmosphere and climate change. Sin embargo, this may also have consequences.

Peter de Menocal, paleoclimatologist and director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, was able to remove ocean carbon dioxide at the TEDxBoston: Planetary Stewardship event. In this context, gain in-depth knowledge of the risks and benefits of humanitarian intervention and define a committed plan to establish broad autonomous sensor vigilance to assist with understanding human impact in the ocean.

First, how do you remove carbon dioxide from the ocean and work in the natural environment?

The ocean is like a big carbonate. With no sea, there is 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere. In addition, for the extra carbon in the atmosphere and storage in weather conditions all over the planet, the ocean is a larger reservoir than it could ever be.

Removing the carbon dioxide ocean, or CDR ocean, uses the ocean’s natural capacity to absorb, massively increase and enhance carbon. Carbon spilled into the ocean from the sea’s atmosphere.

First, air disperses over the ocean surface. Toxic substances and gases in the high-quality environment, such as alkaline water, carbon dioxide are absorbed by the ocean.

The second part is the biological bomb. The ocean is an intermediate living environment: algae, marine animals and honey, and organic material is recycled as it arrives. Travel across the ocean and reach the oceanic penumbra region, a depth of 650 to 3,300 pies (200 to 1,000 metros).

The twilight ocean supports biological activity in the oceans. The “water” of the ocean accumulates organic carbon and nutrients and is recycled by microbiomes. He had the mayor transport the planet animals. Every day, billions of humans and other organisms migrate to the superficial depths to feed on plankton and the sea, and as a bajar, they mobilize like a huge carbon bomb that captures carbon at the surface and captures deep resources in the oceans. , do not store items in the atmosphere.

Does the CDR ocean need to slow down this much right now?

Even more impressive is the statement I left in my career in the Group of Experts Intergubernamental Evaluation Information Sexto in Cambio Climático, published in 2021. Carbon in the atmosphere through all air to maintain a global temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 F). Moreover, the effects of climatic conditions become even greater and incredible.

Because of its volume and carbon storage potential, the ocean is truly a single new technology, capable of absorbing and sequestering carbon for immediate needs.

2022 information from the national academies includes a research strategy to eliminate carbon dioxide from the ocean. There are three other methods exploring the best ways to increase the ocean’s natural capacity to absorb more carbon.

The first is the alkaline contribution of the ocean. The oceans contain cucumbers and natural alkalis, with a pH of about 8.1. Increase alkali and minerals quickly dissolved in the ocean for carbon dioxide atmosphere.

Live corals of many types and colors.

A second method is to make micronutrients, especially highly soluble, at the surface of the ocean. Large numbers of high-resolution species predict greater productivity or algae growth, activating a more powerful biological bomb. As we worked, we obtained more empirical documents. This method can be achieved in the easiest way: growing algae in the ocean, thus capturing carbon through surface photosynthesis to obtain more information and a better environment in the deep oceans.

But all these methods are inconvenient to use a major upgrade, including the cost and resulting improvements.

There is a seascape and a seaweed landscape on the ocean surface.There is a seascape and a seaweed landscape on the ocean surface.

Neither anything else, nor the RCD ocean in general. However, I believe it is important to accelerate research to understand the effects of these methods. The ocean is essential for all waters that depend on humans: nutrients, water, conditioning, conditioning. This is the pulmona of the planet. However, basic technologies need to be used in the ocean to reduce carbon dioxide and make climate conditions suitable, safe and scalable.

I learned how to create an “Ocean Internet” to protect their windows. What happened?

The ocean is rapidly opening up and the mayor is joining the engine climate in Tierra, but subsurface observations of the ocean are not being made to ensure that this cambiosis is as important as it is. Basically, smoking is done at a time when observation is required. Moreover, if there are problems with carbon removal and carbon emission amplification technologies, it is not possible to verify their effectiveness or evaluate their impact on the release of oceans and ecosystems.

Likewise, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute launched an initiative to create the world’s first internet for the ocean, launching Red de Señales Vitales del Ocean. There is a large light and sensors that provide a 4-dimensional view of the oceans – this dimension is also -, always fired and connected to spy on the carbon cycle processes and the salute of the oceans.

An illustration depicting different ocean depths.An illustration depicting different ocean depths.

The main predators are the baleen, terns, runners and tiburons, which depend on the twilight zone to feed, live in the summer, or cover kilometers of subways to gain ground. Eric S. Taylor /© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

In fact, the world Argo program has an ocean sensor about the exact size of the ocean in Texas. I was very light and comfortable due to the heat and salinity.

We envision a mid-ocean hub densely populated with smart planners and autonomous vehicles on ocean properties, including carbon and other signatures vital to the ocean and planetarium. These tools can collect, re-enforce, load and further recognize recognized data. As vehicle information is compared and intelligent decisions are made, the ADN in the vehicle, biological environment and ambient environment represents your function, representing the actual ocean volume.

A large robot with Luz and sensors creates more dark areas.A large robot with Luz and sensors creates more dark areas.

The Mesobot begins to descend into the twilight zone of the ocean. Marine Imaging Technologies, LLC © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

With these types of autonomous vehicles, their capacity to feed and feed on the unstable energy in the ocean environment, solar energy or e-cigarettes in the background, and surrounding the data with a satellite, we can usher in a new era of observing and researching the oceans. .

Is the technology necessary for this level of security available?

That’s a big part of this creativity and technology. There is nothing to be done.

For example, there is equipment that works with marine lasers to communicate in the ocean. Because water is conductive, water cannot benefit from moving electromagnetic radiation. In this case, you can use the audio device or audio device to communicate with the water.

Precisely, there is an acoustic communications group that uses in-vehicle communication technologies and communications. The other group works with different tools in the ocean environment. Others specialize in love diseño. Others create simple, physical sensors that represent the ocean and ADN environment.

An experiment conducted in the Atlantic North under the name of the Ocean Twilight Zone Project provides images of the general functioning of the ocean in a major expansion into the actual workings of ocean processes.

Their acoustic receptor capacity creates a long-lasting 4D image in dark and hidden regions, using the sensors of their llama “minions”, which, together with the gliders, observe the flow of carbon, nutrients and oxygen exchange in the ocean. “Minions” features basic sensors on a refractory boat digging deep fija, 1,000 metros (0.6 million), and uses an iPhone camera to take images of all the floating material. I managed to travel through the water column. This does not allow us to ensure that the amount of organic carbon present in such deep, fresh and old waters persists throughout the measurements.

First, because carbon production in the ocean is possible and you can measure carbon fluxes, you can first extract carbon from the ocean.

This is a radical radical. The results can determine the effectiveness and basic rules for using the RCD. This is better in Salvaje Oeste: keep the oceans and caution. This is possible to observe decisions that will affect future generations.

Do you think CDR ocean’s answer is correct?

Humanity did not need much time to reduce carbon emissions and reduce carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.

He’s not the biggest fan of RCD, as scientists are working on it with the same rigor that they’re confident the oceans could light up. Thanks to internet sensors, all sensors help the ocean to truly work, including ocean CDR and its benefits.

This article is republished from The Conversation, an independent, nonprofit news organization providing facts and authoritative analysis to help you understand our complex world. Written by: Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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Peter de Menocal is president and director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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