Stars, planets and more will be visible during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Here’s where to look

By | April 2, 2024

An observer in or near the path of totality for the solar eclipse on April 8 can make useful observations of the appearance of the Moon’s shadow projected onto the solar eclipse. earth atmosphereIn the middle, before, during and after the eclipse. Studies on the darkness of the sky may also be valuable.

During a total eclipse, the Moon’s shadow cone crosses the ground in an ellipse, with its major (long) axis pointing in the direction of the Sun. Because the shadow moves rapidly, its appearance constantly changes. A careful description of the sky from moment to moment, especially the observation of the shadow of the moon appearing across the sky as it approaches just before fullness and recedes just after, can be interesting.

For the upcoming eclipse, a few minutes before the onset of totality, a noticeable shadow should appear moving toward the observer from the west-southwest sky, mimicking an approaching storm.

Relating to: How can you give yourself the best chance of clear skies for the solar eclipse on April 8?

You can watch the total solar eclipse live on And stay up to date with our total solar eclipse 2024 live updates blog.

Exotic colors and lighting

I’m often asked: Why bother traveling to an eclipse? My answer is always the same: “You have to see one for yourself, then you will understand.” Astronomy writer Guy Ottewell planned to paint a picture of the 1983 eclipse visible from Borobdür, Java. He later wrote in his book: “Understanding Eclipses:

“During the moments of totality, I was conscious that I was in a different visual world; I was conscious that I was trying to memorize colors whose names I did not know, colors that were as difficult to remember or describe as taste.”

For those who witnessed the whole phase, moonThe shadow of appears dark blue (if clouds) and light from outside its edge creates a bright border around the horizon. The saffron color of the air outside the eclipse shadow can be particularly striking. Because air scatters longer wavelengths of light less than short ones, light coming from outside the shadow turns yellow or reddened; exact color depends on the distance from the edge of the shadow to the observer. At distances of 50 miles or more, the bright reddening glow is evident and the bright tawny glow is low. Some vivid colors may be evident, especially toward the northwest, as one can be as much as 50 to 60 miles (80 to 100 kilometers) from the edge of the shadow during the upcoming eclipse (if positioned along the centerline of the eclipse path). southeast in the middle of the total.

With the sun eclipsed in the sky, the sky on the horizon glows yellow and orange.

With the sun eclipsed in the sky, the sky on the horizon glows yellow and orange.

An outside look at the path of integrity

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Even at a considerable distance outside the path of totality, the moon’s shadow can sometimes be seen reflected in the atmosphere. At the eclipse on July 9, 1945, the shadow was seen near the horizon from Portland, Oregon, 320 miles (515 km) west of the first total eclipse at sunrise. Also, during the total eclipse that occurred in eastern Massachusetts on October 2, 1959, the shadow was visible above the northeastern horizon to an observer only 15 miles (24 km) northeast of New York City. The shorter the distance to the path of totality, the greater the chance of seeing the shadow.

There are several methods of observing the degree of darkness at the center of the eclipse. One way is to note the smallest legible size of the newsprint. This can be done even if the sky is overcast, but the type and extent of cloud cover must be carefully noted. Also useful, and even better than visual techniques, are good all-sky photographs (using a fisheye lens or wide-angle convex mirrors) or photometric measurements with photoelectric meters.

The second way is to note the faintest star or planet that can be seen.

Miniature view of stars and planets

The eclipsed sun and the labeled planets and stars surrounding it appear as white dots on a black background.The eclipsed sun and the labeled planets and stars surrounding it appear as white dots on a black background.

The eclipsed sun and the labeled planets and stars surrounding it appear as white dots on a black background.

When Sun In the case of a total eclipse, the sky does not appear “as dark as a moonlit night” (as many astronomy guidebooks suggest). Rather, it gets as dark as 20 to 40 minutes before sunrise or 20 to 40 minutes after sunset. Venus is often very conspicuous in such a sky, and other bright planets and 1st magnitude stars close to the sun have also been reported.

Venus will be by far the brightest object visually size -3.9. On the day of the eclipse, it will be positioned approximately 15 degrees west of the sun (lower right). Your clenched fist held at arm’s length is roughly 10 degrees, so Venus It will be about “a fist and a half” away from the Sun. JupiterThe galaxy, which is second to Venus in terms of brightness at magnitude -2.0, will be located 30 degrees east of the sun (upper left).

There will be other planets around, but whether they will be easily seen is debatable. Saturn (magnitude +1.1) and Anthem (magnitude +1.2) will be 35 and 36 degrees west of the sun respectively. A little Mercury It will be located half a dozen degrees east of the Sun, but will be very faint at magnitude +4.3, so it will be invisible.

As far as stars are concerned, this eclipse will give you a good opportunity to measure the brightness of the sky because the bright stars of winter will be well placed over much of the eastern part of the sky. It is lower towards the east-southeast SiriusIt is the brightest of all stars with a magnitude of -1.5. But if you’re on the path of totality in Texas or Mexico, you won’t be able to see it because it will be below the horizon. Capella (magnitude +0.1) will be high in the east-northeast, while Rigel (magnitude +0.2) will be much lower in the southeast. A few faint first magnitude stars may be visible here and there, but the light of the corona and the general scattering of light filtered from outside the shadow will dim most of the stars.

Then again. . .

But maybe using your totality time to try to pick out stars and planets isn’t the way to go. A well-known stargazer and constellations It was George Lovi (1939-1993) who wrote the popular “Navigating the Sky” column in Sky & Telescope magazine for over twenty years. Mr. Lovi often described the beauty of the fully eclipsed sun as seen through binoculars or even the telephoto lens of a camera. “The human eye,” he wrote, “has the unique ability to see fine details in the inner and outer corona in a way that no emulsion can.”

But then he also discussed those who engaged in what he called “sometimes ridiculous efforts” to hunt for stars and planets during the exact phase of the eclipse. “Some devotees spend almost all of these precious minutes searching!” “I can’t for the life of me imagine how this compares to the main event!”

To that end, I agree with Mr. Lovi (I have been to 13 total eclipses myself); You’d probably be better off spending most of your precious total time concentrating on monitoring the solar corona.

As one person later told me after spending all his time unsuccessfully trying to photograph the total eclipse:

“So I have come to the conclusion, and this represents a bit of wisdom, gained at great expense and difficulty, that I feel compelled to pass on to other enthusiasts, and that the best possible way to see an eclipse is simply LOOK AT IT!”

This may be the best advice for those who want to watch the total solar eclipse. So remember, if you get a chance, just LOOK at it and ENJOY it.

After all, even in 2024, all you’ll get is a few minutes of curiosity!

To view this entire event safely, you should use solar filters. Only those on the path of wholeness will be able to lift them briefly to see the sun’s corona with their naked eyes. Those who are not on the path of integrity must always keep them open.

Anyone observing the partial phases of this eclipse (and that’s the whole thing for those off the path of totality) will need to wear eclipse glasses; Cameras, telescopes and binoculars will need to have solar filters placed in front of their lenses.

Ours How can I observe the sun safely? The guide tells you everything you need to know about safe solar observations.

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