Sydney holiday with no beach and relentlessly perfect waves

By | May 18, 2024

I wasn’t expecting my first surfing experience in Sydney to involve driving inland.

But as I discovered this week, you don’t have to head to the city’s east coast to find the perfect wave; you can find them in a building with whitewashed walls in the Olympic Park, where surfboards are strewn across a manicured lawn and surfers slice it. thanks to the incredibly turquoise water.

Sydney’s first surf park opened this week; Four years after its Australian debut in Melbourne. As UrbnSurf, which owns both parks, puts it on its website, the parks are “bubbling like grom” at the opening.

When I visit, there are plenty of groms and adults who seem to be bubbling, ready to take on the thrill of riding an artificial wave.

When I arrived I wasn’t exactly bubbling like a Grom. I was worried. I usually surf once or twice a year when I return home to the south coast of New South Wales for Christmas. Every now and then I manage to stand up and that is happiness. But mostly I feel like I’m wallowing in a salty washing machine, unable to catch the wave and in the path of those who do.

I was hoping this wouldn’t be one of those days.

Relating to: A day at the beach: ‘I looked at people calling me from the water tunnel’

Inside there are surfboards for rent and a surf shop. There’s a cafe blasting indie pop for those getting their post-surf feed. In the middle is a sight that will make any surfing enthusiast’s heart race with excitement: perfectly spaced waves, pumping every few seconds, with only 18 people allowed in at a time – enough for everyone.

The atmosphere is much more sporty resort than a family beach trip. This may be due to the fact that, unlike the beach, it is far from free.

The cheapest option for a single session is $109 per hour for an adult (about $10 per wave for an expected 10-12 waves) or $104 for a child. Discount applies if you book multiple sessions that can be used over the course of a year. The most expensive option is $159. Even parking isn’t cheap, at $7 an hour.

Each hour-long time slot has a specific size and shape of the wave produced using artificial wave generation technology known as Wavegarden Cove. The park in Sydney is the eighth park in the world to open using this technology, which uses panels moved by an electro-mechanical system that shifts water to mimic different types of waves.

In 2022, Melbourne’s surf park held the first World Surf League-sanctioned wave pool surf competition in the southern hemisphere.

“What we’ve created is a slightly more pleasant experience for surfing. It can be scary in the ocean,” said Damon Tudor, general manager of UrbnSurf.

“Whereas if you have a truly controlled environment, lifeguards, everyone is welcome and there are waves from true beginners to experts who can ride barrels. So it’s something for everyone.”

You can choose from six waves, arranged according to the time you book. I had chosen the cruiser wave, which was a slight 1 meter point breaking imitation.

When asked which board I wanted to rent, I wanted the one that would give me the best chance of getting up. I was given an 8ft soft board that an UrbnSurf employee called a “boat”.

But when it comes to a concrete pool bottom, regular beach surfing has different challenges to consider. The other six surfers heading to the session and I were told at the mandatory safety briefing to wrap our arms around our faces and behind our heads if we fell. There were helmets available.

As I stood “on the shore” and watched the mechanical waves come to life, I remembered the most enjoyable surfing I had ever experienced. Just me and my best friend, we were surfing on a beach in our hometown that tourists haven’t gotten used to yet. The waves were small but glassy and perfect for my skill level. Then, rather than falling down, I stood up.

My anxiety turned into excitement. I helped drift the surfers towards the break by paddling with the simulated current passing over the edge of the pool.

We all patiently lined up for the sets to start. Then it was my turn. I was taken by our two guides to the take-off point, which was a line marked on the pool wall. The wave rises behind me and the guide shouts: “Hold the oar! Row! Row!” I’m not paddling fast enough and I miss the wave.

On my second try, I was too far ahead of the board and dunked. Before each wave, the guide gave me a tip: “Don’t reach too far ahead of the board.” And then: “How many push-ups can you do? Push yourself up like that!”

The third time was the charm; I stood up and he was very hasty. I stood up a few more times. Then the exhaustion set in. It gets a little relentless when every wave is perfect.

Unlike that happy day spent at the beach with my friend, I was aware that my time in the pool was ticking away. I realized how much surfing on the beach meant sitting and waiting; The anticipation and uncertainty of whether nature will present you with your perfect wave is part of the excitement.

Shortly before our time was up, I asked another, much more experienced surfer how he found it.

“Awesome… you would be so excited if you saw these waves on the beach,” he told me. “There’s something about the spirit of beach surfing though.”

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