Tag Archives: Albert Einstein

How to make ‘moving rulers’ smaller? The strange physics behind special relativity

Albert Einstein is on the board. Special relativity is beyond weird. Among its many expressions are that moving clocks run slower and moving rulers become smaller. So how do we make sense of this? To understand the physics of relativity, we need to look back. time A little. in 1865 James Clerk Maxwell We discovered… Read More »

Black hole collision ‘warnings’ could notify astronomers within 30 seconds of detection

In 2015, the iconic Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) made the first concrete detection of gravitational waves. The waves were the result of the collision of two black holes far away in the universe; Since then, numerous such signals have been detected from mergers of black holes, neutron stars, and even a few mixed… Read More »

Is a cosmic ‘glitch’ in gravity challenging Albert Einstein’s greatest theory?

It is impossible to deny the amazing predictive power Albert Einstein‘s theory of gravity in 1915, general relativity – but the theory still has inconsistencies when it comes to calculating its effect over large distances. And new research suggests these discrepancies may be the result of a “cosmic glitch” in gravity. In the 109 years… Read More »

NASA’s TESS exoplanet hunter may have detected its first rogue planet

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Search Satellite (TESS) may have discovered its first free-floating or “orphan” planet. This is a planet wandering alone in the universe, without a star. The potential discovery suggests that TESS could use it to detect these so-called rogue planets, a phenomenon first proposed by Albert Einstein 100 years ago. Having discovered more… Read More »

What Has the World Learned from Past Eclipses?

Photograph (bromide print) showing the instruments used by the British expedition sent from Sobral, Brazil, to observe the total solar eclipse on 29 May 1919. Sir Arthur Eddington of Cambridge University organized the eclipse expedition to try and test Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. During the event, two heliostats with moving mirrors were used to direct… Read More »

The largest map of the universe shows dark energy is changing. This could prove Einstein wrong and overturn one of the cornerstones of modern physics.

Astronomers are mapping millions of galaxies in our universe to better understand dark energy.NASA/ESA/H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski, A. Koekemoer, R. Windhorst and Z. Levay For decades, astronomers have been wondering about dark energy and why it is pulling our universe apart. New data from the largest 3D map of our universe shows we may… Read More »

Emmy Noether faced sexism and Nazism; More than 100 years later, his contributions to ring theory still influence modern mathematics

When Albert Einstein wrote an obituary for Emmy Noether in 1935, he described her as “an inventive mathematical genius” who—despite “many years of devoted, important work”—did not receive the recognition she deserved. Noether made groundbreaking contributions to mathematics at a time when women were barred from academia and Jews like herself faced persecution in Nazi… Read More »

James Webb Space Telescope detects dwarf galaxies powerful enough to reshape the entire early universe

Astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and estimated this effect Albert Einstein More than 100 years ago, we discovered that small galaxies in the early universe had a massive impact that shaped the entire universe when it was less than 1 billion years old. The international team found that galaxies similar to the… Read More »

‘Quantum gravity’ could eventually help unify quantum mechanics with general relativity

Scientists have found a way to measure gravity at microscopic levels; perhaps bringing them closer to establishing a theory of “quantum gravity” and solving some of the great cosmic mysteries. Quantum physics offers scientists the best description of the universe on scales smaller than atoms. Albert EinsteinOn the other hand, the theory of general relativity… Read More »