Tag Archives: anti-inflammatory

The complex relationship between dietary nutrition and cancer

In a recently published study Cancer Screening and PreventionResearchers reviewed current knowledge about the beneficial and harmful effects of dietary patterns and dietary supplements on cancer risk. To work: Diet and Supplements for Cancer PreventionImage Credit: Josep Suria/Shutterstock.com Background In addition to lifestyle choices, an important modifiable risk factor for cancer is diet. An increasing… Read More »

Diets rich in protein and anti-inflammatory foods may protect against cognitive decline

Soon nutrients The journal study evaluates the effects of a protein-enriched diet (PED) and anti-inflammatory diet (AID) on cognitive impairment (CI) in older adults in China. To work: Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Protein-Enriched Diet May Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study. Image Credit: Ruslan Huzau / Shtuterstock.com The link… Read More »

Study highlights foods that boost your body’s defenses

A recent review in the journal Food Science and NutritionThe research team summarized current medical knowledge on the role some common foods play in boosting the immune system. The comprehensive article covered the benefits of consuming fruits, vegetables, spices, animal products and other foods in maintaining a healthy immune system. Study: Common foods that boost… Read More »