Tag Archives: Atlantic

We’re unravelling traces of ancient hurricanes on the seabed, and evidence from thousands of years of Atlantic storms isn’t good news for coastlines

If you look at the history of Atlantic hurricanes since the late 1800s, you can see that hurricane frequency has increased. While 2020 was the year with the highest number of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic with 31, 2021 witnessed the third highest number of cyclones after 2005. The last decade has seen five of… Read More »

Is the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? The history of icebergs reveals some clues

When people think about the risks of climate change, the idea of ​​sudden change sounds pretty scary. Movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” feed into this fear with images of populations fleeing to escape unimaginable storms and rapidly changing temperatures. While Hollywood clearly takes liberties with the pace and magnitude of disasters, some recent studies… Read More »

Is the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? The history of icebergs reveals some clues

When people think about the risks of climate change, the idea of ​​sudden change sounds pretty scary. Movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” feed into this fear with images of populations fleeing to escape unimaginable storms and rapidly changing temperatures. While Hollywood clearly takes liberties with the pace and magnitude of disasters, some recent studies… Read More »

Ocean heat and La Nina combination likely means more Atlantic hurricanes this summer

WASHINGTON (AP) — Brace yourself for what nearly all experts think will be one of the busiest Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, thanks to unprecedented ocean warmth and a looming La Nina. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday in its annual outlook that there is an 85% chance that the Atlantic hurricane season,… Read More »