Tag Archives: black holes

Astronomers witness 18 greedy black holes tearing apart and devouring stars

It’s a cosmic jungle for stars who dare to get too close to black holes. A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found 18 new examples of black holes tearing stars apart and feasting on their remains. This result more than doubles the number of catastrophic, star-shattering Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) seen in… Read More »

First gravitational wave detector in space ‘LISA’ will hunt for waves in space-time

Humanity’s first space-based gravitational wave detector has been approved. Consisting of three spacecraft that together form a single gravitational wave detector, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). It is planned to be released in the mid-2030s. The adoption of LISA was announced by… Read More »

Black holes are hurtling into our universe at more than 2.2 million miles per hour, and scientists now think they know why

In rare cases, black holes can be thrown into space after being formed.local/Getty Images Scientists have created new computer simulations to study what happens during a supernova. Their models show that sometimes when stars die, they create a black hole that screams into space. These black holes are launched into space, moving at speeds of… Read More »

Upcoming Einstein Probe will use ‘lobster eye’ to hunt extreme black holes and star explosions

A new space telescope launching in January 2024 will look at the universe through a revolutionary “lobster eye”, looking for X-ray bursts from some of the universe’s most powerful events, such as the feeding of black holes and the collision of neutron stars. exploding stars. not named for anyone else Albert EinsteinThe Einstein Probe is… Read More »

Why are some black holes larger than others? An astronomer explains how these celestial cavities grow

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskids@theconversation.com. Why are there small and large black holes? Also, why are some black holes invisible while others have white outlines? – Sedra and Humaid, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Black… Read More »

The smallest galaxies of our universe contain the largest star factories. Here’s why

Some of the largest, densest regions of star formation are found in the smallest galaxies, and scientists believe this is because stars that reach the end of their lives in so-called dwarf galaxies are more likely to collapse into black holes rather than explode. supernovae. The team says that the contrast is large enough that… Read More »