Tag Archives: brain cells

A common parasite could one day deliver drugs to the brain – how scientists are turning ‘Toxoplasma gondii’ from foe to friend

Parasites wreak havoc on human and veterinary health, but researchers may have found a way for patients with brain disorders and a common brain parasite to become friends and foes. New research published in Nature Microbiology has pioneered the use of a single-celled parasite. Toxoplasma gondiito inject therapeutic proteins into brain cells. The brain is… Read More »

Why is exercise good for your brain as well as your body?

A satisfactory night’s sleep has long been considered a cure for all diseases, especially in clearing harmful toxins from the brain. Neuroscientists have long believed that deep sleep helps clear problematic debris from the brain, clearing many proteins and metabolites thought to play a role in the development of the nervous system. Alzheimer’s and other… Read More »

How electroconvulsive therapy heals the brain – new insights into ECT, a stigmatized but highly effective treatment for depression

When most people hear electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, it often conjures up horrific images of cruel, outdated and fraudulent medical procedures. The perception that ECT, formerly known as electroshock therapy, is dangerous and ineffective has been reinforced in popular culture for decades; Consider the 1962 Oscar-winning film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” in which… Read More »