Tag Archives: brain waves

It may soon be possible to monitor your brain activity with headphones

When Apple introduced its watch in 2015, the wearable device looked like a gadget. Ten years later, millions of users use heart rate and movement monitoring functions, and some even detect arrhythmia and Parkinson’s disease with this method. Neurable co-founder Dr. Ramses Alcaide wants us to be able to do the same for our brains.… Read More »

These neuroscientists at BC hope to help people suffering from mental health issues by using patients’ own brainwaves

A woman demonstrates a technique used in neurofeedback therapy. While he watches a movie on the screen, wires connect the points of his head to the electroencephalogram (EEG) monitor on the computer. (Presented by Elumind Centers of Brain Excellence – image source) A growing number of psychiatrists and psychologists in BC say they are successfully… Read More »

How electroconvulsive therapy heals the brain – new insights into ECT, a stigmatized but highly effective treatment for depression

When most people hear electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, it often conjures up horrific images of cruel, outdated and fraudulent medical procedures. The perception that ECT, formerly known as electroshock therapy, is dangerous and ineffective has been reinforced in popular culture for decades; Consider the 1962 Oscar-winning film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” in which… Read More »