Tag Archives: breakfast

The results presented suggest that consuming mainly minimally processed foods does not constitute a healthy diet.

The types of foods we eat may be more important than the level of processing used to make them, a new study suggests, showing that eating mostly minimally processed foods, according to the NOVA classification system, does not automatically constitute a healthy diet. Comparing two menus reflecting the typical Western diet—one emphasizing minimally processed foods… Read More »

When did breakfast foods become part of our daily routine and what should you actually eat?

If you’re reading this during breakfast, take a moment to consider your choice. Are you eating what the Western world considers a “typical” morning meal? Bacon and eggs. Cornflakes. Porridge. Crepe. These meals are generally considered appropriate in the morning, but are unusual at other times. So how did this happen? Do “breakfast foods” serve… Read More »

Keto diet breakfasts on the go: How to order at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Chick-fil-A

gargantiopa / Adobe Stock When you can control your meals while at home, it’s extremely simple to stick to your keto diet by choosing low-carb breakfasts that can jump-start your day. But sticking to your keto diet on the go may not be so natural. Where do you go when you don’t have time to… Read More »

The 8 Best Quality Eggs on the Market Shelves

The product recommendations in this article are recommendations made by the author and/or expert(s) interviewed and do not contain affiliate links. Meaning: We won’t earn a commission if you use these links to buy something. Food trends come and go, but eggs continue to reign as a staple breakfast ingredient. Packed with protein, these versatile… Read More »