Tag Archives: carbon dioxide

Making cement is very damaging to the climate. A solution is opening in California

Making buildings and roads from concrete contributes greatly to climate change. This is also a growing problem as more of the world develops. So the race was to find solutions for a material that is responsible for around 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Now a startup in California has developed a technology that reduces… Read More »

Levels of carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the air, rose to record levels again last year

Levels of key heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere reached historic highs last year and are rising at a near-record pace, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Carbon dioxide, the most important and abundant of human-caused greenhouse gases, reached the third-highest amount in 2023 in its 65-year record-keeping history, NOAA announced Friday. Scientists… Read More »

Climate engineering poses serious national security risks; Countries facing extreme heat may still try this, and the world needs to be prepared for this

The historic Paris climate agreement ushered in a mantra from developing countries: “1.5 to survive.” This refers to the international goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial times. But the world will likely exceed that threshold within a decade, and global warming shows little sign of slowing down.… Read More »

Climate engineering poses serious national security risks; Countries facing extreme heat may still try this, and the world needs to be prepared for this

One of the biggest concerns of many countries when it comes to climate change is national security. This doesn’t just mean wars. Risks to food, energy and water resources, such as climate-induced migration, are also national security issues. Can climate engineering help reduce the national security risks of climate change, or will it make things… Read More »

Paris 2024 hopes to model low-carbon Olympics

Air travel linked to the Olympics is one of the biggest sources of pollution (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN) This year’s Paris Olympics will use renewable energy, serve plenty of vegetarian meals and severely restrict plastic bottles, but can an event involving so much construction and international travel be environmentally sustainable? Following the glitzy FIFA Soccer World… Read More »

Satellites find 10-year forest carbon offsets in California provide no real climate benefit

Many of the companies promising “net zero” emissions to protect the climate rely on large areas of forest and methods known as carbon offsets to achieve this goal. On paper, carbon offsets appear to offset a company’s carbon emissions: The company pays to maintain trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the air. The company can… Read More »

Not all carbon capture projects work from a climate perspective; We mapped the pros and cons of each and found clear winners and losers

Capturing and recycling carbon dioxide from the air or industries may seem like a win-win climate solution. By staying out of the atmosphere, greenhouse gases can warm the planet and prevent further fossil fuel use. But not all carbon capture projects offer the same economic and environmental benefits. In fact, some may make climate change… Read More »

James Webb Space Telescope could search ‘carbon-lite’ exoplanet atmospheres to look for alien life

When it comes to detecting the presence of liquid water, and thus the conditions necessary for life, on planets outside the solar system, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may want to look for what is missing rather than what is there. Here’s what it means. A research team, including scientists from the Massachusetts Institute… Read More »

Getting a Lucrative Tax Credit for Producing Clean Fuels Won’t Be So Easy

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday released its long-awaited plan to provide lucrative tax breaks to companies that produce hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel, and proposed new rules to ensure the policy doesn’t inadvertently lead to a planetary surge. warming emissions. Hydrogen is seen as a promising tool in combating climate change, as long as… Read More »

Drones help solve forest carbon capture puzzle

Drones are part of the increasingly sophisticated arsenal scientists are using to understand forests and their role in the fight against climate change (MANAN VATSYAYANA) On a hillside overlooking cabbage fields outside Thailand’s northern city of Chiang Mai, a drone’s rotors begin spinning, lifting it above a patch of forest. Moving back and forth over… Read More »