Tag Archives: Chinese Academy of Sciences

New cloned monkey species highlight the limits of cloning

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Meet Retro, the cloned rhesus monkey born on July 16, 2020. It’s now more than 3 years old and is “doing well and getting stronger,” according to Falong Lu, one of the authors of a… Read More »

Chinese scientists created cloned monkey

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Meet Retro, the cloned rhesus monkey born on July 16, 2020. It’s now more than 3 years old and is “doing well and getting stronger,” according to Falong Lu, one of the authors of a… Read More »

Upcoming Einstein Probe will use ‘lobster eye’ to hunt extreme black holes and star explosions

A new space telescope launching in January 2024 will look at the universe through a revolutionary “lobster eye”, looking for X-ray bursts from some of the universe’s most powerful events, such as the feeding of black holes and the collision of neutron stars. exploding stars. not named for anyone else Albert EinsteinThe Einstein Probe is… Read More »

The culture of sharing is a scientific virtue that should be supported

In 1968, U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy said that GDP “measures neither our wisdom nor our learning; in short, it measures everything except what makes life worthwhile.” Just as GDP can measure economic growth and well-being, but not well-being or progress towards sustainable development, the volume of scientific publications is a measure of quantity, not quality.… Read More »