Tag Archives: Chinese

MPs and senators ask why government didn’t warn they were being targeted by China-backed hackers

Canadian parliamentarians say they were recently warned that they were being targeted by hackers tied to China, and now they’re wondering why that warning didn’t come from the federal government or any of Canada’s security services. “It is unacceptable that we are not being informed,” Conservative MP Garnett Genuis said after raising a privilege issue… Read More »

Chinese scientists want to use lasers to power ultra-fast, stealth submarines. A laser expert says there’s a major flaw in their plan.

The USA and China are in a race to develop the most advanced submarines. Chinese researchers say they have made a breakthrough in laser propulsion technology that could one day be used in submarines and missiles. A laser propulsion expert at McGill University told Business Insider that they saw flaws in the claims. Submarines have… Read More »

Veteran taikonaut and 2 rookies launched to Chinese space station

Three Chinese taikonauts took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China on Thursday and Tiangong space station to change three long-term crew members those nearing the end of their six-month stay in space. with senior Ye GuangfuAt the controls of the 43-year-old Shenzhou 18 spacecraft, flanked by rookies Li Cong, 34, and… Read More »

The incomparable Rachel Daly will be impossible to replace after the Lionesses’ spectacular retirement

Rachel Daly played at left-back and started all matches as England won Euro 2022 (Getty Images) It is often said that Rachel Daly is the person with the loudest voice in the Lionesses dressing room, but her announcement stunned her Dublin team-mates into silence. At the age of 32, after an eight-year England career that… Read More »

What are the Latest Fashion Trends in China? Urban Renewal and Cultural Revival

March economic statistics are often viewed in China as one of the most important indicators of the course of the economy throughout the year. Because these statistics, in addition to directly reflecting current conditions, also show future trends to some extent. The government work report for 2024, presented at the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions,… Read More »

Chinese universities take 8 out of top 10 in global science rankings without changing anything

University leaders pay close attention to comparative rankings offered by Times Higher Education, ShanghaiRanking Consultancy and others. Rankings influence student enrollment numbers, attract talented faculty, and justify donations from wealthy donors. College leaders oppose them and some schools “withdraw” from them, but the rankings have an impact. A radical shift in the data underlying the… Read More »

Why China Could Return the US to the Moon

Long March-5 Y7 rocket carrying a communications technology experimental satellite launched from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in southern China’s Hainan Province, February 23, 2024. Credit – Xinhua News Agency via Getty; 2024 Xinhua News Agency R.There are approximately 6,800 miles between humanity’s past and future on the lunar surface. This is the approximate distance between… Read More »

How could massive drone swarms change the future of warfare?

A small group of countries is developing plans to deploy swarms of drones in combat. Drones can be used to neutralize air defenses or for mass attacks. Some experts want the technology to be restricted. In an apocalyptic scenario where the tension between China and the USA turns into conflict, the first hours of the… Read More »