Tag Archives: climate action

1,500 policies have been implemented in 41 countries to fix global warming. Here are the ones that worked best

As the need for effective global climate action becomes increasingly urgent, a “first of its kind” analysis has identified the most effective policies around the world to curb the pollution that is warming the planet, with some surprising results. Researchers from several climate agencies in Europe published a study published Thursday in the journal Science,… Read More »

Vatican conference on ‘climate resilience’ is the latest in a long series of environmental initiatives led by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church – 5 essential reads

From May 15 to 17, 2024, American leaders, including California Governor Gavin Newsom and Massachusetts Governor Maura Healy, will participate in a global conference on environmental issues. Wandering? Vatican. The summit, titled “From Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience,” will focus not only on mitigating climate change but also on human adaptation. “We must begin to… Read More »

What is the ‘new denial’? A worrying wave of climate misinformation is spreading on YouTube, watchdog says

If you’ve been on YouTube lately, you may have encountered someone claiming that wind and solar power don’t work, that rising sea levels will help coral reefs thrive, or that climate scientists are corrupt and alarmist. These are all false and misleading statements taken from a handful of thousands of YouTube videos analyzed by the… Read More »

Why is the COP28 climate summit important and what should be considered in 2024?

When you read the lengthy final agreement of the COP28 United Nations climate conference in December 2023, you will go a long way before finding a strong, active verb. Lengthy descriptions of climate impacts reveal glaring gaps in countries’ current policies, with “worrying notes” and occasionally “significant concerns”. But while countries promised to take voluntary… Read More »

What do you expect when an oil executive runs climate talks?

Editor’s Note: John D. Sutter is a climate journalist and nonfiction filmmaker. He is the Ted Turner Visiting Professor of Environmental Media at George Washington University. The opinions expressed in this comment are his own. Read more CNN’s Opinion. As someone who has been reporting on the climate crisis for more than a decade, I… Read More »

Phase out or reduce fossil fuels? That’s the question at COP28 climate talks

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — After days spent shaving off the edges of key warming problems, climate negotiators on Tuesday focused on the difficult task of dealing with fossil fuels, the root cause of what is overheating the planet. As scientists, activists and United Nations officials repeatedly detailed how the world should phase out… Read More »

The world has fire. UN climate talks focus on climate’s contagious impact on human health

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — As Planet Earth heats up, U.N. climate talks focused Sunday on contagious impacts on human health. Under a brown haze over Dubai, the COP28 summit left behind two days of loud rhetoric and calls for unity from senior leaders over concerns about health problems such as the spread of… Read More »