Tag Archives: climate changes

What can ancient farmers really teach us about adapting to climate change, and how political power influences success or failure

New evidence emerging from dozens of archaeological discoveries around the world, from the once-thriving reservoirs and canals of Angkor Wat in Cambodia to abandoned Viking colonies in Greenland, paints pictures of the reality of civilizations struggling with unpredictable climate change and agricultural practices becoming unsustainable. These discoveries include success stories of how ancient agricultural practices… Read More »

What ancient farmers can really teach us about adapting to climate change and how political power affects success or failure

Across dozens of archaeological discoveries around the world, from the once-thriving reservoirs and canals at Angkor Wat in Cambodia to the abandoned Viking colonies of Greenland, new evidence reveals images of civilizations struggling with unpredictable climate changes and the reality that agricultural practices are increasingly deteriorating. unsustainable. These discoveries include success stories in which ancient… Read More »

The Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a turning point; Study shows we’ll see extreme climate change in decades after melting glaciers block Gulf Stream

Superstorms, sudden climate changes, and New York City is covered in ice. This is how the blockbuster Hollywood movie “The Day After Tomorrow” depicted the sudden closure of the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean and its disastrous consequences. While Hollywood’s vision was at its peak, the 2004 film raised a serious question: How sudden and… Read More »

As tree species decline, ‘assisted migration’ gains popularity in Pacific Northwest

PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) — As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die due to climate changes, the U.S. Forest Service and citizen groups around Portland, Oregon, and Puget Sound are turning to a deceptively simple climate adaptation strategy called “assisted migration.” As the Earth’s climate warms, tree growing areas in the Northern Hemisphere are predicted… Read More »