Tag Archives: communication

Interstellar astronauts will face years-long communication delays due to time dilation

Due to the mind-boggling distances and speeds required, interstellar travel would be extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible, for humanity to achieve. But new research highlights another challenge: communication breakdowns. The star system closest to ours is alpha centauriIt’s over 4 light years away, so barring any fancy sci-fi technological revolutions over the next few centuries,… Read More »

NASA received laser beam message from 10 million miles away

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and more. An innovative experiment flying aboard NASA’s Psyche mission has achieved its first major milestone by successfully achieving the furthest demonstration of laser communication. The tech demo could one day help NASA missions probe deeper into… Read More »

NASA received laser beam message from 10 million miles away

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and more. An innovative experiment flying aboard NASA’s Psyche mission has achieved its first major milestone by successfully achieving the furthest demonstration of laser communication. The tech demo could one day help NASA missions probe deeper into… Read More »