Tag Archives: Conservative Party

This election heralds the death of the Thatcher-Blair era. A new populist right will replace him

The election Rishi Sunak is now calling is almost certain to have a decisive outcome, but it will not be a real turning point in British politics. Rather, it is the last stand of a passing order that is coming under increasing attack from both sides of the new political spectrum. Unless a miracle occurs,… Read More »

MPs claim Sunak was ‘supported’ by 1922 committee ‘assistants’

A former minister said that, far from acting as ‘shop stewards’, the 1922 committee was seen by some as ‘supporting the Rishi’. The Conservative Party’s 1922 committee has the power to make or break the careers of MPs up to the party leader. This sealed the fate of two recent prime ministers. In the final… Read More »

Calls for pensions minister to be sacked as office expenses review

There have been calls for the flogging of a minister to be postponed while allegations that the Prime Minister used his taxpayer-funded constituency office to campaign on behalf of the Conservative Party are examined. Pensions minister Paul Maynard has been referred to an investigator by the Parliamentary expenses watchdog over reports that he charged taxpayers… Read More »

Conservative party faces bid to appeal to Supreme Court over leadership choice

The Conservative Party’s refusal to provide information about its leadership selection process left it “completely irresponsible” and with “unlimited power” over the selection of the new Prime Minister, the High Court was told. News outlet Tortoise Media is seeking to launch a legal challenge against the political party after it refused to answer nine questions… Read More »