Tag Archives: cosmic web

Dark matter detected hanging from the cosmic web for the first time

For the first time, astronomers have detected dark matter hanging from huge filaments that form a “cosmic web” that stretches across the universe and traps galaxies in a spider web like morning dew. Researchers from Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, indirectly observed dark matter sitting on cosmic web filaments using the Subaru Telescope, an… Read More »

How do galaxies grow while trapped in the cosmic web of the universe?

Just as being trapped in a spider’s web drastically changes a fly’s life, galaxies trapped in the vast cosmic web are changing dramatically and irreversibly. Now scientists from the University of Kansas aim to better understand the mechanisms that play a role in shaping galaxy clusters as they travel through a cosmic network of different… Read More »

The first galaxies looked like surfboards and pool noodles, according to findings from the James Webb Space Telescope

Deep observations with the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed that many small galaxies that existed early in the history of the universe were elongated in a surfboard-like shape, indicating the influence of the cosmic matter network and constant mergers with other small galaxies. New research using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found… Read More »