Tag Archives: craters on the moon

SpaceX Starship landings could contaminate water ice on the Moon

The call from the moon is clear – try to find my water ice. There’s a possibility that large amounts of water ice could be lurking at the bottom of craters at the Moon’s south pole. Pardon my cosmic jargon but these extremely cold features – “where Sun “don’t shine” – labeled permanently shadowed regions,… Read More »

The rush to return humans to the Moon and build lunar bases could threaten astronomy opportunities

The 2020s have already seen many Moon landing attempts, although many have crashed or rolled over. With all the excitement surrounding the possibility of humans returning to the Moon, both commercial interests and scientists stand to gain. The Moon is perfectly suited for researchers to build telescopes they cannot place on Earth; because the Moon… Read More »

The rush to return humans to the Moon and build lunar bases could threaten astronomy opportunities

The 2020s have already seen many Moon landing attempts, although many have crashed or rolled over. With all the excitement surrounding the possibility of humans returning to the Moon, both commercial interests and scientists stand to gain. The Moon is perfectly suited for researchers to build telescopes they cannot place on Earth; because the Moon… Read More »

Should we seal DNA samples of Earth’s endangered species in a lunar crater?

As rising sea temperatures and pollution continue to rapidly degrade the world’s coral reefs unprecedented ratescientists are investigating the feasibility of preserving them in the external environment space. The idea is to store a biorepository (a biobank that cools samples of biological material to low enough temperatures and essentially suspends them in time) inside permanently… Read More »